January 12, 2015, is the 7th International Kiss A Ginger Day which was created by Derek Forgie. He created it as a response to the 2008 Kick A Ginger campaign where ginger kids were ridiculed and assaulted at school. International Kiss A Ginger Day is a much more loving celebratory day. On this day you should give every ginger you see a loving kiss immediately! This is definitely my kind of day!

Where Does The Term Ginger For Redheads Come From?
In the past when someone called a redhead by the term “ginger” it was meant as a hurtful, derogatory name. Rather than abolish the term, redheads have decided to try and change the perception of our red hair so that being called “ginger” would be synonymous with “redhead”.
Back in the 1800’s, the British occupied parts of Malaysia where they often saw the plant known as Red Ginger. This plant has a very red flower and is quite beautiful. It was also during this time period that people started to be called “ginger” if they had red hair. So if you put two and two together, it makes logical sense that this is the origin of the term “ginger” for the redheaded people. However, being “ginger” is a term more prevalent in the United Kingdom than it is in the United States.
The Jokes
Don’t get hooked into believing stupid stuff about people who have red hair. The jokes, well, the jokes are endless. The following are some of the more common statements and jokes you might hear about redheads and gingers:
- A Ginger does not have a soul.
- A Ginger will steal your soul.
- Question: What does a ginger miss most about a party?
Answer: The invitation
- “I can’t wait to show my tan from the beach to everyone!” said no Ginger ever.
- Question: Why are the Harry Potter films unrealistic?
Answer: A ginger kid has two friends!
- Question: How many Ginger people does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: None. They prefer to sit in the dark.
- Question: What do you call a redheaded ninja?
Answer: A ginga
- Question: What do extinct dinosaurs and Gingers have in common?
Answer: Not enough
- Question: What’s safer: a redhead or a piranha?
Answer: The piranha. They only attack in schools.
- Question: Why are gingers like guns?
Answer: Keep one around long enough, and you re going to want to shoot it.
- Question: Why did God invent color blindness?
Answer: So someone will fancy the ginger kids.
- Question: What kind of beds do Gingers sleep on?
Answer: Temper-pedics.
- Question: How do you know when a redhead has been using a computer?
Answer: There’s a hammer embedded in the monitor
- Question: What do you call a ginger kid eating a carrot?
Answer: Cannibalism
- Question: If a red head guy works at a bakery, does that make him a gingerbread man?
- Question: How do you confuse a Ginger?
Answer: Send them a friend request on Facebook.
- Question: What is a gingers favorite activity?
Answer: Staying inside.
- Question: What do you call an attractive male with a Ginger lady?
Answer: A hostage.
Funny? I don’t really think any of them are funny, but maybe it’s because I’m a redhead. Most ginger jokes are actually mean-spirited instead of funny or even cute because they are purposefully meant to be offensive.
Fun Facts About Red Hair, Redheads, Gingers
Do you think you know all about gingers? Let me share a few interesting facts with you about people who have red hair:
- Redheads account for one percent of the population on the entire planet.
- Gingers with blue eyes are the rarest.
- The recessive MC1R gene causes red hair and is a genetic mutation.
- Gingers are more sensitive to pain because of the MC1R gene mutation. Yeah, that’s a scientific fact!
- Redheaded women bruise more easily than women with other hair colors.
- The highest concentration of people with red hair is in Scotland not Ireland, but more redheads live in the United States than any other country.
- People who are redheads have less hairs on their head.
- Historically gingers were persecuted as vampires, demons and witches.
- Redheads absorb more sunlight because of our pale skin which in turn allows out body to create more vitamin D than the average person with hair of other colors.
- Gingers are more likely to be left-handed because of that MC1R gene mutation.
- When redheads get older, their hair fades to white not grey.
- “Gingerphobia” is the fear of redheads. (rolling my eyes)
- Redheads will not naturally become extinct in one hundred years.
- Gingers are two and a half times more likely to develop melanoma (skin cancer).
- Not all redheads have a fiery temper.
Alrighty! Do you know a redhead? Well, today is the day to celebrate with them!
Happy International Kiss A Ginger Day!
Kiss me quick!
nope, those jokes aren’t funny at all – just plain nasty!
*mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah* *mwah*
Is that all the kisses I get Skip? LOLOLOL
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :*
Smooches to one of my favorite gingers xo
🙂 Thank you Katherine!!! 🙂
i have more hair and very thick and so does my son my grandson has red hair and blue eyes A very rare guy.
🙂 All that red in one family! Lucky lady! 🙂
Being a fellow Ginger, of course I love this!! “Kiss A Ginger Day”…..excellent idea!! Thanks, and cheers to you, Ginger Girl (aka Redheadriter)!!
Hope you had a lovely Ginger Day!!! 🙂
Sending cyber kisses to my favorite redhead and the most beautiful redhead I know! (Okay, so I’m 2 days late in sending my cyber kisses. Better late than never!) 🙂
Thanks so much Joan. {{{{hugsss}}}}
Enjoyed the post! I always have red haired students each year. Your hair is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog hop!
Thank you so much Pam!
I think you made up this holiday so you could get all those kisses!
LOLOLOL That’s really funny!