I guess we should start with…
Term: Redneck
Definition: What you get if you stay in the sun too long without sunblock
I found quite a few of these medical terms with their redneck definitions very funny.
Medical Term: Aerobe
Definition: A garment worn around the house
Medical Term: Alimentary
Definition: What Sherlock Holmes said to Dr. Watson
Medical Term: Artery
Definition: The study of paintings
Medical Term: Bacteria
Definition: Back door to cafeteria
Medical Term: Barium
Definition: What doctors do when patients die
Medical Term: Benign
Definition: What you be after you be eight
Medical Term: Caesarean Section
Definition: A neighborhood in Rome
Medical Term: Carpal
Definition: Someone you drive to work with
Medical Term: Castrate
Definition: The going price for setting a fracture
Medical Term: Cat scan
Definition: Searching for Kitty
Medical Term: Cauterize
Definition: Made eye contact with her
Medical Term: Colic
Definition: A sheep dog
Medical Term: Coma
Definition: A punctuation mark
Medical Term: Cyst
Definition: To give someone a helping hand
Medical Term: Denial
Definition: Where Cleopatra used to swim
Medical Term: Dilate
Definition: To live long
Medical Term: Dislocation
Definition: Here
Medical Term: Duct
Definition: What you do to avoid being hit
Medical Term: Elixir
Definition: What a dog does to his owner when she gives him a bone
Medical Term: Enema
Definition: Not a friend
Medical Term: Fester
Definition: Quicker than someone else
Medical Term: Fibula
Definition: A small lie
Medical Term: G.I. Series
Definition: World Series of military baseball.
Medical Term: Impotent
Definition: Distinguished, well known
Medical Term: Inbred
Definition: The best way to eat bologna
Medical Term: Intubate
Definition: What a fisherman is
Medical Term: Labor Pain
Definition: Getting hurt at work
Medical Term: Medical Staff
Definition: A Doctorโs cane
Medical Term: Morbid
Definition: A higher offer
Medical Term: Nitrates
Definition: Rates of Pay for Working at Night, Normally more money than Days
Medical Term: Node
Definition: I knew it
Medical Term: Orifice
Definition: A place of business
Medical Term: Outpatient
Definition: A person who has fainted
Medical Term: Pelvis
Definition: Second cousin to Elvis
Medical Term: Platelet
Definition: A saucer
Medical Term: Post Operative
Definition: A letter carrier
Medical Term: Recovery Room
Definition: Place to do upholstery
Medical Term: Rectum
Definition: Nearly killed him
Medical Term: Secretion
Definition: Hiding something
Medical Term: Seizure
Definition: Roman Emperor
Medical Term: Tablet
Definition: A small table
Medical Term: Terminal Illness
Definition: Getting sick at the airport
Medical Term: Thorax
Definition: Weapon of a Norse God
Medical Term: Tumor
Definition: One plus one more
Medical Term: Urine
Definition: Opposite of youโre out
Medical Term: Urinate
Definition: If you had better hair you’d be a 10
Medical Term: Varicose
Definition: Near by/close by.
Medical Term: Vein
Definition: Conceited
Medical Term: Vitamin
Definition: What you do when friends stop by to visit
Medical Term: Xrayed
Definition: For adult audiences only
Which was your favorite medical term and funny definition?
I think I like “Vitamin” the best. Yep, that’s what you do…just vitamin!
Thanks for sharing! ๐ ๐ ๐
Thanks for reading! ๐
I like a lot of them, but especially Cauterize – made eye contact with her… that’s a hoot!
๐ It brings a whole new perspective to the words LOL
Hey! I just wanted to send you a note. I’m a retired nurse and I really enjoyed your post. That is not why I wanted to contact you though. I absolutely love reading your blog! It is so beautiful and thoughtful. I can tell it actually comes from your heart. You seem to put a lot of thought and personal feelings into your posts. Thank you for the warm feeling I get from your blog, sometimes funny, sometimes insightful. Keep up the great work.
Joy, thank you so much! I do put a whole lot of myself in my writing in hopes to help others and record my life lessons for my sweet daughter. I’m so glad you find it inviting and enjoyable. {{{{hugssss}}}
OMG!!! Too, too, too, too, too, too funny! Did I say too, too, too, too, too, too funny? Well, it was too, too, too, too, too, too funny! ๐
๐ Which medical term is your favorite?
I node most of ’em already!
I have been reading a lot of blogs lately, but none of them actually have real humor to them. Thank you so much. I haven’t seen a button where I could post to Facebook. If I am missing it, please tell me where it is. You are hilarious.
My pleasure! ๐
Okay, I am an idiot…lol. I see the button now.
Glad you found the button ๐
You can also copy the URL at the top of the page and post it into your Facebook. Works like a charm.
URL –> (https://theredheadriter.com//2014/11/chuckle-of-the-day-funny-medical-terms-with-their-redneck-definitions/)