This year Twitter celebrated their eight year anniversary. That’s right, the 140 character updates on Twitter started in March 2006 and ever since, users have connected from all over the world.
The most famous tweet is the one posted by Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder, on March 21, 2006. The reason it is the most famous tweet is because it is the first tweet ever published!
“just setting up my twttr”
4:50 PM – 21 Mar 2006
There is another notable Twitter anniversary date this year.
May 31, 2009, at 12:21 AM The Redhead Riter published her first tweet. True to my style, I published a nerdy tweet that said, “I just became a twitter person!”
I tweeted a little bit in the beginning of my Twitter life, but it was very minimal during the first year. Then when I finally got the hang of it and understood the value of Twitter, I became a regular Twitter user. It was at that point that I connected with several people who taught me the fine art of tweeting with a purpose and others who consistently tweeted my blog as I tried to market myself. More about a few of those people in a moment.
Anyway, you can find your first tweet very easily because Twitter launched a tweet recovery tool that will find it for you. The tweet discover site simply states, “There’s a #FirstTweet for everything.” How fitting!
Now let’s get back to a few of my friends and their first tweets! If you haven’t Twitter followed them yet, I encourage you to do so and also visit their websites! They helped me bunches over the years!
@PaulBritPhoto (was PaulBritCOM when we met)
“Finally got the hang of this. This is gonna be quite cool indeed.”
9:11 AM – 30 May 2009
Happy 5 Year Twitterversary to me and @PaulBritPhoto!
“Home having Eggos with nephew.”
10:09 AM – 24 Jul 2008
Here’s a few more first tweets from friends that support my marketing efforts, inspire, motivate and educate me daily!
“A Bad Marriage is Fattening”
8:00 AM – 7 Jan 2010
“preparing to shift from two thousand and nine whine to next year cheer”
9:25 AM – 13 Dec 2009
“going to bed awaiting a big day tomorrow”
2:39 AM – 18 Apr 2008
“trying to figure out this twitter thing”
8:17 PM – 2 Dec 2009
“learning how twitter works”
3:38 PM – 4 Apr 2009
“I just joined the speakersite Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.”
9:22 AM – 22 Dec 2008
“I just added new recipes on my website located at”
5:34 PM – 6 Nov 2008
“My first Twitter message …..”
6:15 PM – 1 Apr 2009
“Enjoying Sunday afternoon. Watering the garden.”
9:41 PM – 29 Jun 2008
“Adding Twitter to my new website”
1:39 PM – 2 Mar 2009
“Just curios how this work.”
5:04 AM – 18 Apr 2009
“@waldingtongirl @luvinpeacebear Hi, Its me from FB. Tell Dawn too.”
4:23 PM – 7 May 2011
“Teaching English in a Foreign Country”
9:30 PM – 14 Mar 2010
“Twelve Days of Innovation – – Braden Kelley – #innovation #success #insights #tech #mgmt #mktg”
4:00 PM – 28 Dec 2011
“@marthamaccallum CC should definitely get in the GOP primary”
10:34 AM – 3 Oct 2011
“I have a job with a lot of responsibility. Whenever anything goes wrong, I’m responsible for it.”
11:21 AM – 3 Mar 2011
“Heading to the movie theatres, and dinner afterwards. Great to live in walking distance from amenities! So, we’re walking:-)”
4:21 PM – 27 Sep 2008
And one of my favorites! LOL
2:14 PM – 10 May 2010
I thought that blast into the past was quite fun! Have you checked to see what your first tweet was yet? If not, hop over there, plug in your name and then come back and tell us what your first tweet was and the date you started Twitter.
Looking forward to seeing your memorable first tweet!!
Good morning/evening, my Internet connection is finally working properly again; it is like losing your contact with the outside world!!!
Yes! It is like losing all contact! I feel lost when my Internet connection goes off from a storm or cable company problems. Glad you’re back among the living! LOL
My first tweet:
One small step for techkind; one giant leap for me. I am officially twitterpated.
8:54 AM – 21 Feb 2014
That is just as cute as can be Susie!!! I love your first tweet!!!!!
Thank you so much for mentioning me in this fun post!
It’s inspiring yet strange to look back at our first tweets. We’ve all come so far with regard to social media since then, and looking at our first tweets is like looking back in time to a tiny piece in our history. The best part is that we’ve all taken this Twitter journey together.
Now that the word “retweet” is officially in the dictionary (along with other words that wouldn’t exist without Twitter), I think we can all agree that Twitter is a significant part of our culture, and we’ve all grown because of it.
Thank you, Sherry!!!
It was my pleasure to mention you, Diana, and it has been a pleasure interacting with you through social media!
And I’m still trying to figure it out…
This is great. Thanks!
LOL My pleasure Eric!!!
twitterific!! Wow so much has changed since I dipped my toe into the twitterverse. But one thing stays strong and steady our sweet friendship xo
Yes, that’s the best part of social media and Twitter…all the wonderful people that I have met and have the opportunity to interact with all the time! {{{hugsss}}}
I started my blog A Bad Marriage Is Fattening January 1, 2010, and seven days later I did my first tweet! How appropriate was it that my first tweet was “A Bad Marriage Is Fattening.”
And guess what? Over four years later I still believe A Bad Marriage Is Fattening! And guess again what? By the end of this year, 2014, my memoir, (yep you guessed the title), A Bad Marriage Is Fattening will be finished and ready for publication.
When I saw your first tweet, I just laughed out loud!
Woohoo on the memoir!!!
And guess what? I was told by a big New York publisher at a writer’s conference I was attending in September 2010, (nine months after I started my blog), that I would need at least 25,000 Twitter followers before they would even consider publishing me. I remember my heart sinking as I thought, “How in the world am I ever going to get 25,000 people to follow me?” The number seemed insurmountable to me at the time because I had hardly any Twitter followers. But guess what? I now am on the verge of having 25,000 Twitter followers. So, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who is following me, and if you are not following me on Twitter, I would love it if you did follow me! I’m @JoanOshatz
Way to go!
Thanks for the mention Sherry. It’s nice to look back and see how long we have been tweeting too. That is so cool about Joan’s quote and the book to come out.
It is fun to look back!
I guess that Joan definitely has her eye on the course and hasn’t looked away since! LOL
TY for including me Sherry.. as silly as my first tweet was haha Still brings back memories of times with my nephew
I LOVED your first tweet! It was full of gratitude and love which are the most important things in life!