Life will always present unexpected experiences in the most unexpected places. If we remain aware of the fact that things are always changing, not only will we find more reasons to be happy, but success will not feel unattainable. Even the common things that occur in life can take on a whole new meaning if we remain open to the experience.
For instance, cows have calves.
Horses have colts.
Humans have babies.
Birds lay eggs.
All of those experiences are things that happen everyday, but circumstances surrounding them are what makes them so different.
For instance, bird eggs in a nest are always so cute and miraculous, but when the nest is built inside a wreath hanging on the outer front storm door of a home, it is something even more phenomenal.
At first the parent bird was nowhere to be seen, but eventually it flew and rested on top the column watching the eggs. I could tell that the bird wanted to fly to the nest, so I couldn’t stand right there in full view. The bird could see me through the glass in the storm door, so I had to be strategic and slightly close the inner door and hover in the background without moving.
It was a very observant bird and watched from the top of the column for a long time to ensure that I was gone. Many times it would get spooked or maybe caught sight of me, so the bird would fly off and then would return to the top of the column to try again.
Eventually, the coast appeared clear and the bird flew to the top of the wreath constantly looking around to make sure I wasn’t anywhere near.
When the bird felt comfortable, it moved to the nest to check on the eggs.
Each year a bird builds a nest in the wreath that hangs on the front door. Not only does the bird survive, it successfully hatches the eggs and raises a family in a very unexpected place.
We are often like this bird.
You may be trying to survive in an unexpected physical, emotional or intellectual place. You stay aware and determined as you try to get to the goal. It isn’t easy and sometimes you get spooked or feel like quitting. If you have hope and don’t give up, you will be successful. It is just that simple and complicated.
Loved this post and especially your opening paragraph! “Life will always present unexpected experiences in the most unexpected places. If we remain aware of the fact that things are always changing, not only will we find more reasons to be happy, but success will not feel unattainable. Even the common things that occur in life can take on a whole new meaning if we remain open to the experience.” Yes indeed, you nailed it, Sherry! 🙂
Thank you Joan 🙂 ‘Bout time I nail something. LOL