People who are constantly engaged in improving their life are motivated from within to succeed.
I’m going to use an example of something I need to overcome, but you can drop any problem into the scenario because the three success quotes will apply. Today I’m going to share the secret of success.
3 Steps To Succeed
No doubt about it, having PTSD changes a person’s life, personality, outlook, hopes, dreams, goals, likes, etc. It is an all encompassing experience.
When you “get” or in other words are “plagued” with the life altering events of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), there is one choice you have to make and it is a biggie.
Will I fight PTSD or will I give into it?
That’s the same choice everyone makes with any problem. Will you fight the problem or will you give into it. Giving into it means wallowing in it without trying to improve or change the condition thus ensuring you will not experience success.
There are several things a person can do that will guarantee there is no recovery and PTSD will remain their lifelong companion.
- Drink lots of alcohol to numb or abolish the PTSD pain albeit very temporary if at all.
- Take lots of drugs to numb or abolish the PTSD pain albeit very temporary if at all.
- Ignore the PTSD pain to make it go away, but ignoring it forever is entirely impossible.
- Give into the PTSD pain and do nothing to make it go away.
- Kill yourself to make the PTSD pain go away, but this is definitely final.
Obviously, PTSD is all about pain, pain and more pain heaped on top of even more pain. Everyone has their own experience with the trauma of PTSD because no two people think or feel exactly the same. There is only ONE person that knows EVERY aspect of being you and that is YOU. The secret of healing from PTSD rests with you.
The only way a person can overcome PTSD is to step outside of their comfort zone and think outside the box. It is the only way to come up with ideas, let go of the pain and accept healing. The need to know one’s limit is true with any success that one strives towards.
Before PTSD hit me, engulfed me, knocked me down, wrecked my life and nearly killed me, I was a very together woman with beliefs focused in hope.
After PTSD hit me, engulfed me, knocked me down, wrecked my life and nearly killed me, I not only didn’t have hope, I didn’t believe hope served any purpose. It was merely a fairy tale.
You may think that saying PTSD hit me, engulfed me, knocked me down, wrecked my life and nearly killed me, is a bit extreme or dramatic. Well, it is both extreme and dramatic. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) can and does TOTALLY destroy the life you have always known and screws your brain up so badly that you want to die. Yes, PTSD makes you want to die. It is no small thing.
If you don’t understand PTSD, you NEED to learn about PTSD BEFORE someone you care about gets it. However, it is never too late to learn about it.
One of the hardest things I’ve had to do to ensure I continue healing from PTSD is to accept my current limitations. Can I just say, IT REALLY STINKS!
The limitations of my own thinking and feeling processes were so noticeable. I felt like a stranger in my own body all the time. Each day I thought that surely an alien had possessed me and I would turn into a three eyed green creature.
People around me still wanted me to be the same person I was before “it” (the horrific event) happened, so their expectations, whether purposefully or subconsciously expected were impossible to fulfill. Since I am a people pleaser, this aspect of my healing was hard to overcome.
I now not only know my limits, I insist that others see them, know them and I do my darnedest to have them understand them. Acceptance of my limitations is left up to them and not my problem. See how far I’ve come with that healthy attitude tidbit?
Finally, after changing my approach and thinking about PTSD recovery while understanding that people are often ignorant or uncomfortable with PTSD, I have started winning the battle over the pain. Actually, I’m really winning and the end is finally in sight.
Victory over this life and death fight is truly tasting sweet.
Before Post Traumatic Stress entered my life, I had NO CONCEPT of how people suffered or the degree of PAIN they suffered. THE PAIN of Post Traumatic Stress is so great that it is almost beyond words. Actually, so far, it has been beyond words. I think if I was able to adequately express the magnitude of the pain, everyone I know would have a different attitude about PTSD and my journey with it.
So think about something you want to experience success in and drop the scenario into the three path to success quotes. I think you will find that we all have this process in common. We don’t have the same problems, but we can have the same thrill of success.
I know when I am completely healed of all the pain of PTSD, victory will surely be the sweetest I’ve ever known because the battle has been the hardest I’ve ever experienced.
I love these three quotes and I loved how you used them as steps to succeed with any of life’s obstacles that challenge you! 🙂
Thank you Joan! Life is definitely a progression, one step or one quote at a time.