Do you ever feel like an alien? You know what I mean – a little out of sorts, stuck in someone else’s life, in a time warp or living as a character in the Twilight Zone. Sometimes I feel like an alien in my own body and one of those times is when I think about the fact that, “I go to therapy.” Just saying that sentence sounds very alien. Really think about it…two people in a room, talking for an hour. Sometimes one will cry, wipe their tears and blow their nose. All the while, the other one gives good advice. Now doesn’t that sound alien?
Well, even though it sounds alien when we think about it, psychiatry, psychology, counseling, and therapy are (as my grandmother would say) “good for what ails you.” Obviously, I have something that “ails” me, but I KNOW I’m not the only one that needs professional help. Obtaining therapy is not anything to cause feelings of shame or embarrassment. Would you feel ashamed or embarrassed to go to a medical doctor if you broke a leg, had a heart attack or had strep throat?
I didn’t hear you.
I think you would probably be very thankful that there was someone with the expertise to help your medical condition.
Okay, I can see you reluctantly nodding an affirmative.
A therapist is someone with an expertise to help your mind which in turn helps the heart, soul and every other function of the body.
28 Reasons For Therapy/Counseling With A Therapist
There are many reasons that someone might feel the need to find a therapist for therapy or counseling. Before I list them, let me say one thing about therapy…
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink.
The same holds true about therapy. You can MAKE someone go to therapy, but that will not help them if they are not willing to open up and change. In the end, therapy can only help those who are willing to help themselves.
So let’s get to the common reasons that people seek therapy:
- Abuse/Violence – Any form of abuse and/or violence whether it be physical, mental or emotional.
- “Me” time – It can be a time where you stop all other activities for everyone else and focus only on yourself and your needs.
- Another perspective – Having an unbiased, professional from the “outside looking in” can give your situation an objective opinion.
- Death of a loved one
- Relieve emotional distress
- Divorce
- Therapy offers a safe haven where no one will condemn or shame anything you say, feel, believe or do.
- PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Anger management to tame the wild beast within you.
- Depression
- Face and conquer addictions
- Birth of child/children
- Self exploration toward goals – Getting to know and accept yourself while focusing on goals will add great value to your future accomplishments.
- Jealousy
- Inability to have children
- Sexual dysfunction
- Improve relationships
- Better define the real you
- Anxiety
- Rejuvenate yourself
- Improve coping skills
- Clinical disorders
- Marriage
- Continue learning
- Eating disorder
- Improve at your job
- Overcome fears
- Work through the past
Obviously, therapy can be great if you are open to seeing life differently. I know that hard work during therapy CAN heal you and I’m looking forward to the day when I wake up in the morning and say, “I’m so happy that all my PTSD symptoms are gone.”
Yeah, it seems like a dream that won’t ever come true, but I KNOW it will if I remain determined and patient.
{{{hugsss}}} to you all!
I, too, am looking forward to the day when you wake up in the morning and say, “I’m so happy that all my PTSD symptoms are gone.” In the meanwhile, keep up the good work you are doing with your therapist. Remember: Rome was not built in a day!
I do believe in therapy providing the shrink is stable! I don’t believe in forcing drugs to mask the problem, although at times it’s necessary to get through a tough time. I’ve gone to therapy, and found it to be life saving while I suffered through PTSD and anxiety attacks. I am now able to get through those times much easier and they are becoming less and less invasive in my life.
I’m so glad that you found therapy that helped you, Cindi. I totally agree about finding the right therapist with the skills that can help because not all of therapist are created equal.
This was a informative post Sher. It was very good. I have had therapy and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I have been for first one thing then another. I find it is difficult to overcome all that has made life for just me. I need to work on it all the time and I learn everyday who I am. I think every soul needs help and often pride prevents one from attaining help. You will wake up one day and there will be rainbows to brighten your day. Have a good one and I love you.
Thanks Mom.
Yes, pride does stand in the way of some people obtaining good mental health help and that is very sad. With a good therapist, you can learn valuable life skills tailored just for your needs.
I love you too.
I love the snow on this page. If I could find one that could be a screen saver I would have it on
Thanks. I will see if I can find a snow screensaver for you.
I got a real kick out of your alien therapy therapist. If I ever walked into a psychologist or psychiatrist’s office and saw a therapist who looked like that I would think I had entered the twilight zone! LOL
On second thought, maybe that alien therapy therapist would make a great dancing partner for the television show Dancing With The Stars.
LOL Okay, that was wacky! LOL
But seriously, Redhead Riter, is that your Halloween Costume?
Nope! Good guess, but nope!
Wow, they reeled you in hook, line and sinker! I wish you all the best and may you wake up one morning healed!
Seriously, I hope that somehow they CAN help make it all go away and one day you do wake up being your “former” self. Or at least assist you in feeling better, teach you coping skills, or whatever it takes to get you through the day in a better frame of mind. However, in the meantime, don’t forget to cut your “current” self some slack. Although, maybe a little worn and dinged, you are a gift to many, including me.
A little something to think about. Think of who you have become, what you have learned, what you have shared. Would you even be the Red Riter?
Sending more hugs from a friend who is taking a break from therapy!
Peace Out!
“they reeled you in hook, line and sinker!”
I’ve had therapy several times in my life for different reasons, but none as intense as this time while trying to overcome PTSD. I don’t think therapy is magic and it always takes a great amount of work by the patient. Without the patient FOLLOWING THROUGH with the advice, making a decision or using the new skills that have been taught, therapy means nothing. People can say they have been to therapy, but without a willingness to follow through with the hard choices, it is pointless to have wasted the time spent in an appointment.
I personally know people who go to therapy and:
In order for therapy to be helpful and productive, people have to be willing to change and/or incorporate new skills in their life.
The therapist also makes a huge difference to the effectiveness of the therapy. Just like store clerks or chefs, there are great therapists, good therapists and lousy therapists. Spending time researching therapists is well worth the effort.
{{{LOTS of hugsss}}}
Peace out!
Point well taken…lol. No arguments here, only hugs back!
I have changed so much, so many times, that some of my current problems stem from just that…too much change. So, for now I’m to continue to put in the hard work and incorporate a new skill into my world. ACCEPTANCE! Maybe that is one of the wisest thing a therapist has suggested.
Can’t hurt?! I wish us happy!
Can’t hurt? Well, it depends on what you are “accepting”. Are you at your full potential? Are you happy? Will this bring you joy in the future?
I wish us all LOTS of happiness!!!!
“You can MAKE someone go to therapy, but that will not help them if they are not willing to open up and change. In the end, therapy can only help those who are willing to help themselves.”
Thanks for this exhaustive list, and thanks for TALKING about preserving mental health. There are lots of trained therapists out there who can help; I wish more ppl would take advantage of the insurance benefits they are already paying for! Much love, Kathy
From what I can gather from your 28 reasons, any reason is a good reason to talk with a counselor or therapist. I have only ever used one a few times before and that was to help me to work through my past and adoption history. My experience was good and I really feel like I worked through my issues, but I think that it is important for anyone with issues to realize that although their issues may seem to be gone that it could be only temporary. There is no shame if your PTSD comes back, but at least you will know that you can recover and get through it and that counselling is the answer for you.