I often highlight artists that leap out at me. The 3D art of Yuki Matsueda literally popped out and grabbed my attention. On Twitter, he actually describes his work as pop sculptures.
After translating his website from Japanese to English, I discovered that Matsueda was born Ibaraki, Japan, in 1980. In 2010, Matsueda graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts with a Ph.D. in Design. All of his art is created by hand, manually and there are many steps involved in creating each piece.

Maybe because I’m simple or just because I love math and circles, my favorite 3D art piece by Yuki Matsueda is a single die that has lost it’s dots.

Do you like this art and if so, which is your favorite piece?
I have to say the egg and the playing care 8—so cool
This is very cool art. Yuki Matsueda has a novel idea and executes it in a fascinating manner. He makes captivating art. Thanks for sharing.
I love it all! The playing cards are officially my fav.Hugs and sincere wishes for a lovely weekend xo
Love the art! I do have to say, however, when I first saw this post in my Google Reader I thought oh no, now she's been hacked by Chinese as well as Mexican blogs. 🙂
How very cool, I have never seen anything like this before.
I am loving the cars on the bridge, but the egg picture is right up there as well.
The egg one is really cool!
Very very cool.
This is so cool! I llike the no photography on, with the camera cut so the red slash shows through. Thanks for sharing!
These are more than awesome. I could study these for awhile. Too neat!
hey there, do you know where I can buy Yuki Matsueda’s egg sculpture. The single piece with the black frame and background with the white egg inside, and the yellow yolk popping out …
thanks so much …
I’ve been looking, but I haven’t found anywhere you can buy them.
I had seen them a long time ago on his website and sent an email, but didnt get a reply, also sent an email today. Was wondering if there is another way to get in touch with him ,,. thanks
I have no idea how to get in touch with him other than what is listed on his website.