What do Oreo cookies, fingernails, toast, teeth and a Praying Mantis have in common?
You really can’t guess?
Okay, I’ll tell you. Oreo cookies, fingernails, toast, teeth and a Praying Mantis are the mediums that artist Judith G. Klausner uses in her art.
Oh yes. I’m serious.
Judith G. Klausner has “a love for small, intricate, and overlooked things” and “enjoys playing with her food, both recreationally and professionally.”
There are a whole bunch of people that love to eat Oreo cookies. I used to eat them and actually loved them. The older I got, the less I liked the white stuff in the middle. Of course, I also started worrying about the black chewed up cookie getting all in the cracks of my teeth. I guess I’m a little vain.
Judith G. Klausner uses Oreo cookies in a very original and creative way. She creates cameos. You read it correctly. I said cameos like this…

Crazy, talented art isn’t it?
Well, her imagination doesn’t end with Oreo cookies. Klausner also uses toast in a most unique way too and I’m still not talking about eating it.
At first glance, you might think, “Oh, that is molded toast, buttered toast and an egg on toast.” If so, you are only half right because it is indeed toast. The mold, butter and egg are all embroidery on the toast.
You don’t believe me? Look closely at these photos…
Do you think the next time you pick up a piece of toast that you will look at it differently? How about when you use butter or jam?
Oh jam! Let me tell you about yellow mustard, ketchup, rose jam and barbecue sauce because Klausner doesn’t just eat these condiments, she uses them in art as well.
How would you like this wallpaper adorning the walls of your home? It is made of condiments.

Different? Yep!
Wait! There’s more!
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I was a prissy little girl. As such, my parents made sure that I had a jewelry box. I’m sure many of the ladies had one like mine. There was a windup knob on the back that initiated music and caused the ballerina inside the music box to twirl when it was opened.
Klausner also has a music box with a twirling ballerina.

Look closely at the ballerina. It is a Praying Mantis. Is that insect wearing a tutu?

I’m sorry to say, but the next art piece just grossed me out. I am sure that it took skill and many hours for Klausner to create the floral arrangement, but I am grossed out by the mediums she used.
I want you to look at the photo of the floral arrangement very closely.

What do you think you see in the photo?
Yes, it is a floral arrangement, but can you tell what Klausner used as the medium?
I will tell you! Klausner used fingernails and baby teeth.
I heard you gasp.
Klausner made the floral arrangement using baby teeth and nail clippings donated by family and friends.
Yuck. I know that this piece may be “artistic,” but fingernails are just not my cup of tea. Well, fingernails have nothing to do with tea, but I only like them when they are short and attached on my phalanges.
Interesting. The nail flowers were kind of gross though. My mom taught me that even if I didn't like something at least appreciate it for what it is. So I don't like the nail flowers but it is creative & talented.
What a great post. I am always amazed at how certain artists can be so creative with unusual material as their medium. I think the Oreo cameos are brilliant.
Those oreo cameos are pretty cool. The fingernails…um…