Dog Bone Fake
Alyssa’s puppy, Bella, will eat and chew on just about anything. This has caused all kinds of lifestyle changes to ensure that she does not eat things that can potentially kill her. We have already had that close call and I do not really want to go through it again.
Bella has to have toys that she can chew to satisfy the gnawing urge as well as to keep her teeth cleaned. The perfect solution is something called a Nylabone. A Nylabone is in the shape of a bone, has the flavor of a bone and does the same job for Bella as a bone would provide. It is “Made from inert soft thermoplastic polymer, designed to satisfy the chewing instinct of moderate chewers.”
Bella chews on the Nylabone all the time and still has not even put a dent in it. Obviously, Bella has met her match.
A Nylabone is a fake bone.
Fake dog bones serve a wonderful purpose and I am so glad that they were invented because otherwise I probably would not still have an attractive leather sofa, painted walls, carpeting, bedspread…you get the picture.
Friends should not be fake like a Nylabone.
When we have a friend, one of the main characteristics we seek in the friendship is honesty in character. People on the internet can hide behind a website or avatar and choose to project a totally false persona. The same thing can be done face-to-face in real every day life.
Building trust in a friendship is a hard hurdle to leap and the only way to do so is through time and experiences. Things you might do with friends include, but are not limited to:
- Ski
- Fish
- Cook
- Golf
- Shop
- Swim
- Craft
- Paint
- Tie a quilt
- Repair a car
- Write a book
- Go to a concert
- Attend a seminar
- Attend a sporting event
- Work for a charitable cause
- Take pictures of each other
- Watch a movie at the theater
- Take a trip to another state or country
- Share a meal at a restaurant or at someone’s home
During those shared experiences, you get to know your friends on a very personal level. You learn who they are, what they like and how they tick. Knowing these things about each other allows the friendship to grow.
Being fake totally thwarts the entire purpose of having a friend.
Friendships add value to life and make it more enjoyable. An insincere and fake friend is alike a Nylabone. They look like a friend, they act like a friend and they do the things friends do, but if they are faking their feelings, they are not a friend.
that when we were grown-up we
would no longer be vulnerable.
But to grow up is to accept vulnerability…
To be alive is to be vulnerable.”
Friends that are Nylabones in disguise eventually either disappear from your life or cause you unhappiness and heartache.
There is no totally accurate way to ensure that the person is going to be your lifelong friend. People change. Life happens. The best that you can do is to evaluate the person’s other friendships and past relationships.
More importantly, be the friend you want to have and be willing to put yourself into the relationship.
Friendships require a certain amount of vulnerability, so be willing to open up. Share yourself and share your life. There is no shortcut to growing a relationship and it definitely won’t happen without a willingness to expose your inner self.
Being vulnerable is not easy for anyone, however, having an open heart will allow you to gain the greatest rewards – true love and friendship.
will come your strength.”

Now, the time we have all been waiting for…(drum roll) This is the weekly post where I spotlight my Rockin’ Friends who are the Top Nine active participants and loyal followers in my community! If you want to be mentioned here next week, then all it takes is to come in and start chatting with everyone in my community.
Below are a few discussions going on in my community :
With a big, heartfelt thank you for their participation and friendship, here are the Rockin’ Friends this week in order of most participation.
For everyone mentioned in the top nine this week, feel free to grab the Rockin’ Friend badge below (Yeah, we do crazy poses like that too because we are so stylish) and thank you for your participation!!
- Joan at A Bad Marriage Is Fattening
- Aleta at Aleta’s Arty Facts
- Shawnnita at My Inner Alfalfa
- Kris at In The Kitchen With Audrey
- Bev at
- Paula at This American Life
- Pam doesn’t have a blog, but you can find her in the community
- Marlene at Marlene’s Many Hats
- Meg doesn’t have a blog, but you can find her in the community

Woo Us To Your Blog
As always, attached is the weekly Linky to enter either the main URL to your site or add each post you publish throughout the week. You don’t have to do anything special, just drop your link in and get a little extra exposure to your site.

I just had to let you know that I made the roasted garlic….and…LOVED it! Thanks.
Great analogy!
love the anology! also I have got to get me one of those bones for my dog!
Those are good bones.
Thank you for hosting. I linked up my blog, and added your link to my Japanese Tea Ceremony Sweets post.
Oh man.. seems like every where I turn, whether it be facebook, blogs, t.v. shows, music… I'm hearing or reading things that are telling me it's time to clear out the friend shelf. You are so right on Red.
More and more people are forcing friendships that are not real and are suffering because of it.
I've been guilty of this myself…
Time to stop.
They have to earn the title friend from me… and I from them. 😉