Leather is created by tanning animal hide or skin and as sad as I am to say it, most of the hide comes from cattle which is just a fancy way of saying cows. Tanning is a process that permanently alters the protein structure of an animal skin and makes it into a product that does not easily decompose.
Sounds like the opposite of what happens when you become a parent. I think I decompose every five minutes.
That definitely explains where the threat comes from parents that sounds something like, “If you scuff the toes of your patent leather dress shoes, I will tan your hide.”
Have you ever heard that before? Well, if not, it must be a Southern farming family thing.
I love the fragrance of leather. The moment I open the door to a leather shop, it hits me and I spend my time smelling and feeling everything.

I’m not sure if my love of leather started because my mother watched every cowboy show ever produced while I was growing up or because I lived in Texas most of my life where western leather shops became my second home.
On second thought, maybe it is just the vision of a sweaty, dirty, hard working cowboy that entices me to leather.

Since leather is so durable, flexible and can be tanned in so many different colors, it is used in a wide variety of items. I get used to thinking that leather is for shoes, purses and belts, but the uses for leather are almost as limitless as lace.

Lounging in my big buckled leather belt with a leather Stetson atop my head,
Sorry cows.
As a Texan I thought I understood leather….until I saw your pictoral offering.
Now this is more my style! And yes my parents use to threaten to "Tan my hide," all the time. 🙂
I loved the pictures, especially that blue book cover. 😀
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
I love your apology to cows at the end. The pictures, as always, are beautiful. It made me stop to think — we don't do enough of that at times — about the origin of the things we take for granted.
Hey Gal! First off, please e-mail me and let me know how your dad's doing. Next, I've thought of and seen leather in just about every way you pictured it, until that little skirt ruffle thing over the jeans. What? That's a new one for me.
Love ya Bunches!
Your fellow Texan, PJ
Leather and cowboys is more my style than the lace and frilly ladies. Snicker snicker. 😉
Leather and cowboys is more my style than the lace and frilly ladies. Snicker snicker. 😉
Now I have an image in my head of you going into a leather shop and touching and smelling everything lol! I love the smell, too. Those photos were very pretty (as always).