I love surfing the internet. Part of that adventure includes visiting other blogs and building relationships. So let’s talk about that for a moment.
People start and stop blogging for many reasons . Often when they stop creating posts, the blog just hangs in the internet world without updates and looks deserted. I always wonder what happened to the person that caused them to just stop posting or deleting the blog. I think there are a few practices that will prevent a blog from becoming extinct:
- Identify the goal. No matter the task, without a goal, nothing will be accomplished. Decide why you want to blog and what you want to accomplish with your blog. Then, WRITE IT DOWN. Refer to it often. Rethink the path to a successful blog and hone in on the plan details. You can even post you goals on your blog and ask your readers to help you reach them.
- Post often. It creates a discipline to continue with the original goal. Without posting, there isn’t a blog. Infrequent posting doesn’t increase traffic, but if that isn’t important to you, then don’t worry about it. However, if you do want your voice heard, posting often is a requirement.
- Build relationships. You begin to get to know people through discussions, their blogs and meeting them at blog conferences. A community of friendships can make blogging not only more enjoyable, but also successful.
- “To thine own self be true.” Be yourself. Fake people are always revealed as being insincere in the end. Besides, who wants a pretend friend? Who wants to think they are getting to know someone only to find out that their character is 100% fictional? People are more interesting when they are being real.
- Venture out. In order to be noticed positively at a job, first you have to show up, then you have to work hard and network. The same is true with blogging. After writing your blog, venture out by marketing and advertising your existence by commenting in forums, listing your blog on directories, participate in memes or even pay for advertising on more popular blogs. Just like at a job, you have to be seen in order to be noticed.
- Be patient. The moment you graduated from high school were you able to bring home a $500,000 paycheck the first year, buy a large house and a fancy new car? I would bet not. To acquire anything of value, it takes perseverance, hard work and patience. Blogging is no exception to the rule. Everyone starts at the same place – zero readers and no followers. Blogging can be compared to opening a business. Depending on the type of business, statistics show that up to 90% of businesses fail the first year. The same is true with blogging. Don’t let low readership statistics drag you down. Giving up will always ensure failure.
I hope those few tips will help you in your blogging endeavors. Now on to something really fun.
I think the weekly Rockin’ Friend Spotlight is a great way to thank my loyal followers and those who support my forum. So remember that if you are active in my community, you may be mentioned here next week in the Top Nine Active Participants!
With a big thank you for their participation, below are the Rockin’ Friends this week:
- The Jilted Ballerina
The Zany Housewife
Homesteading on the Internet
More Milestones
Sweet Hearts
Teresa’s Thoughts and Ideas
Nouns and Violets
Believing He Will Provide
I thought I would spotlight the person that was the most active in my community this week and that was Tracey Leigh of The Jilted Ballerina. I love the cute items that she has crocheted on her blog and the in-depth and well made instructional videos she has posted on YouTube.
Reading through all the posts on her blog, I eventually ended up on the first one which she appropriately titled “Beginnings.” and I think it supports my belief that we all share many of the same feelings. We are just people on the planet trying to get along with each other and be heard.
- “I cannot believe that I’m blogging… It seems like such a self-absorbed endeavor.
Of course the obvious thoughts ensue, “Who would ever read my measly ramblings?” and “I’m pretty sure the subject on crafty matters of the needle-y kind have been thoroughly explored. “
And yet here I am, finding the process somewhat cathartic…realizing I may have a few worthy things to say after all.”
So hop on over to The Jilted Ballerina and don’t forget to check out her You Tube videos focused on crocheting. Thank you Tracey! I’ve also highlighted her blog at my Crafting & Selling Blog.
For everyone mentioned in the top nine this week, feel free to grab the Rockin’ Friend badge below for your blog.

What do you do to cultivate relationships on the internet? What qualities do you value in a friend?
Thank you for all your support and I’m looking forward to spending time building our friendships.
are hard to find,
difficult to leave,
and impossible to forget.”
You totally DID read my mind! Thank you for posting this…for those of us who are really new to the blogging world, I always appreciate advice like this!
Thank you so much for including me!
I think the qualities I value the most in a friend are honesty and loyalty.
As far as cultivating is concerned, I'm fairly new online, so I'm going at it rather blindly. I figure by talking with others and finding those who I share the same views or opinions…and even striking up a conversation with those I don't agree with seems to work.
Wow! Excited to be mentioned. Also kind of embarrassed to be the only one without a blog of my own. Still thinking about it. 🙂 I enjoy your blog! Especially enjoy being a part of your Blog Frog!
I'm convinced I blog for therapy. I'm rather shy when it comes to telling folks about my blog. I figure it just gives them something else to make fun of me about. I must say that I really enjoy yours though. 🙂
Thanks so much. I know I have not been posting much to the group in the past 96 hours. LOL Life went from 0 to 60 in 10 seconds, so I was feeling the effects of G force. LOL
Working 10 – 12 hours a day, being Momma, studying to stay well, being a wife, and do the little things to make extra money, got me. I will be back making silly remarks soon.
Thank you so much for including me! I like posting on your blog community because it is a place to check in and seems like I am getting to know people there. Congratulations to Jilted Ballerina! She rocks!!!
Thank you for including Nouns and Violets!
I love the advice here. Having a written goal is critical. It also helps avoid writer's block. If you know WHY you're writing it's easier to come up with the WHAT. It sort of follows that your target audience (WHO) will be defined then as well.