Welcome to “Tell The Truth Thursday” where the question that has been posted in my right side bar gets answered by me and you…and sometimes my husband too! Did you prepare your post and are you ready to drop your URL into the McLinky so that we all can follow? Grab the thumb below linking it back to this blog posting and let’s get started…
The question this week is quite simple:
- What are your worst and best habits??
This is a rather fun question. I purposely worded the question with the negative first so that I can end with a positive thought about myself! I don’t want to give my self-esteem a bump in the wrong direction.
My worst trait is rather weird and literally drives every single person in my family crazy especially my sweet daughter. I’ve done it forever and I am still trying to break the habit, so I haven’t given up on the battle yet.
First let me explain. I have thin lips. Some women are really lucky and have big, lusciously plump lips. Well, that’s not me unfortunately. Thin, little microscopic lips that are almost the same pale color as my glow-in-the-dark skin. If that isn’t bad enough, my lips are dry. It doesn’t matter which season, they are always dry and it isn’t from kissing too much either so get that idea out of your head.
Now, the revelation of the bad habit. My lips are so dry that the skin on them is easy to peel off and that is exactly what I do. I “pick” my lips. That means I peel the skin off my lips and since it is so dry, it just comes off without bleeding. Feels great to peel it and it makes my lips smooth and silky. I know that it is also an obsessive-compulsive behavior in response to stress and/or anxiety, but knowing that little piece of information hasn’t helped me stop picking either.
As a matter of fact, I’m picking my lip right now.
Just kidding.
No comments from my family allowed. If any of them comment, it will probably be a book worth of aggravated dialogue. That cracks me up just thinking about it, so bring it on!
On a more positive note and totally changing the subject, let’s talk about my best habit.
Wow, I’m sitting here wondering what to write. I guess one of my most positive habits is that I try to be welcoming to everyone in uncomfortable or new situations. I think it was ingrained in me by my grandmother and mother who are true southern ladies. I can hear my grandmother now, “Come right in and get yourself a bite to eat” which meant she would pull out a feast just for you.
The other reason I try to help people feel at home is that I used to be EXTREMELY SHY. I missed out on so many opportunities because of my insecurity. In my own small way I try to help everyone feel comfortable, wanted and needed in hopes that no one will feel that they don’t fit in.
I guess that makes me a welcoming lip picker.
You know that made you laugh.

Now it is your turn! I’m using the thumbnail Linky, so the thumbnail of your posting will show up if you choose to participate in Tell The Truth Thursday and we will all hop over to check out your blog! I’m going to put my post in to make sure it works and if it does, you will see how it looks.
Just wanted to tell you that your comment on my blog made my day! 🙂 Thanks! (Unless it was sarcastic — lol — in which case, don't tell me. hee hee.;)
I feel the same way I don't like my lips I think they are two small. I wish I had thick voluptuous lips. I can't think of a worst habit. My nose is always running so am always blowing my nose which a lot people find gross. And I don't know what my best habit is. Maybe its I have a compulsion to tell someone the truth if I feel the should know the truth. Though a lot of people don't like this.
nice blog by the way…
and i'm right on time for the tell the truth thursday 😉 enjoyed it!
I have small lips too. I tend to pull at my lower lip with the upper one.
Mine is thinking to much and hard. Drives my husband crazy when I ask a question from something I heard three hours before. What can I say.
I pick at my cuticles too. Just like your lips or any other rough spot of skin I can find. I know gross but I do it.
Wow. This is very very similar to my bad habit I just posted. I never knew there was a name for it, or that some people have very severe forms of it.
When I was younger I had full lips. No more, though. But they may be hidden in the wrinkles that showed up about the time that they disappeared.
I guess one of the most irritating habits I have is biting the inside of my mouth. My best trait is that I like to laugh and get people involved in conversation. (Or is my worse trait that I talk too much? Depends on who you ask.)
I really enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharing.
Well this is my contribution! Hope everyone likes it.