If you don’t enjoy listening to whining, like the spoiled and unruly blueberry girl on Willie Wonka, then you will TOTALLY love this short clip.
Now was that good or was that EXCELLENT?!!!!
You can’t whine today because it is FRI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-IDA-A-A-A-A-A-A-AY! Not that I’m excited about it or anything.
LOL! yes, that was hilarious.
Yay! it's Friday! Have a great weekend.
HAHAHA!!!That made my day. Now I'm ready for the weekend.
HA!! LOVE it! My favorite part was when her shoes went flying! Priceless!
PERFECT Friday treat! Thanks! (And, have a great weekend!!)
Hurrah for Fridays! I hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Thanks for the laugh! Happy Friday!!
Happy Friday!!!