Every weekend was spent with Mam-Maw and Gran-Gran, my mother’s parents. We would make the two hour drive to the country to spend the weekend with them. We also always visited my other grandparents and great-grandparents who also lived in the same town. Beautiful and lasting memories were made during those visits…truly enough memories to last a lifetime.
On the two hour trip, Dad would always play Kill The Cows with me. This is how it was played. We both would pick which side of the road would be ours for the whole two hour trip. During the drive, every time we saw a cow on our side, we added it to our running tally. Dad gave me a little metal counter since I couldn’t count very far if at all because we started playing this game when I was three years old. The object of the game was to have the most cows at the end of the trip…HOWEVER, there was a catch. Every time you saw a graveyard on the other person’s side of the road, it would Kill The Cows for them!
I always lost! It wasn’t until a few years ago, when visiting my dad, that I finally realized why I always lost. Being the adult, Dad had memorized where all the graveyards were and also knew the cow pasture’s locations. He would divert my attention so that I would miss the cemetery on his side or he chose the side of the car that had the graveyard on my side at the end of the trip. Obviously, Dad loved winning. I laugh every time I remember Kill The Cows and Dad’s winning obsession.

That is a great game for long trips..love it! Thanks for sharing it!
Cute story!
What a sweet story! I confess I have never heard of this game! Your dad sounds like a real hoot! Thanks for sharing!