Driving in the car with children can be a blast. There are lots of games like Slug Bug that can be played in the car by everyone, old and young alike.
Alyssa loves to play Padiddle. You hit the roof of the car and yell “Padiddle” every time you see a car with a burned out front head light. Needless to say, she wins all the time.
I was quite excited when she started driving because I was sure that I would begin to win at Padiddle. Here she is, a new driver, concentrating on the road, and trying to maneuver a car, so I was sure she couldn’t add winning at Padiddle to her list.
Did I mention that she always wins at Padiddle?
Having her drive the car didn’t make any difference to her adeptness at winning Padiddle.
I still lose!
Winning at Padiddle with Alyssa is like an elusive dream…
I just can’t win that game…
Unless I ride with Ronnie Milsap or Stevie Wonder.
Hey Gal! I've played slug bug before, but not padiddle. I played that one ( I don't remember what it's called where you lift your feet when you go over railroad tracks and that sort of thing but never Padiddle. See what I miss out on by not having kids?!
Love ya bunches!
my mom and i usually play the ABC game. it gets pretty competitive but its fun. used to play slug bug with my friends. haven't hear of Padiddle but sounds like fun 🙂
that said, i've given you a blog award 🙂 its yours to do with what you will! have a lovely day!