Tom is way into playing his guitar tonight. He gets like that sometimes. I tell you this because I have no idea how long of an answer he will give to the question this time. I wouldn’t be surprised if he answered with one word. His comments will be in BLUE:
“Yes.” he said. “Tom, do you think you can expand on your answer a little bit. I am trying to type a full blog posting.”Would you ever vote for a woman president?
“Yes, I would vote for a woman. It is my experience that women have a better work ethic and and are more compassionate than men. At this time in our history where anger, fear, hatred, greed, power, and conflict prevail, a woman’s touch and talents would, I think, go far to put our country in order and peace.”
Now he’s playing his guitar again.Women are so different than men. Since all of our Presidents have been men since the beginning of our country and they have brought us to this point, I really don’t think that an intelligent woman could do worse. I don’t like politics. I hate war. I can not watch the news every day or I can’t sleep at night. I get too upset at the horror that happens in our world. I truly wish for a world without evil, corruption and sadness. I don’t think I will be getting my wish any time soon.
Would you vote for a strong, intelligent woman to be the President of your country?

Really? Women have a better work ethic? Are more compassionate? I think it depends on the man and the woman. I think they show compassion differently.
However, I digress – I loved Margaret Thatcher – Yes, I am that old. She wasn't a "men-are-stupid" woman – she was a woman who knew the issues and knew how to lead. Personally, not many women come along who can do that – Only every 200 years or so (Elizabeth, Margaret Thatcher, Catherine the Great, Maria Theresa,) -However, I do like Sarah Palin. Finally, a woman with common sense in a Reagan-esque kind of way.
I vote for the right person integrity who does not shy away from issues and does not hesitate to make tough choices. Gender does not come into play when I vote.
Oh, I left something for you on my blog.
In a HEARTBEAT!! I think a woman president would be terrific! We need to SERIOUSLY get on that in America!!
I love the idea of a woman in the white house…but I will vote for the person I feel best reflects the needs of our country.
I'd vote for a woman, but not just because she is a woman (like I didn't vote for Obama just because he's black). It takes more than sass, swagger, spunk (whatever cutesy buzz words are applied to larger than life politicians) to steer this ship. The presidency should not be a popularity contest (thanks goodness for the electoral college).
What does it say about America that other countries have elected female leaders (Costa Rica most recently) but we haven't?