Have you ever tried to knit?
Do you make fancy looking things for your family and friends?
I have knitted and I love it. I think one of the things I like about knitting is the cling-click sound of the two needles touching each other as you move the threads on and off of them.
Knitting and socks often go together which had me thinking…
Where did the whole thing of knitting socks start?
Not to my surprise, I found the answer on the internet at the V&A Museum.
It is believed that the first items produced bearing any resemblance to a knitted stitch was a pair of socks. The technique used was called Nålebinding. One of the oldest items found using this method is a pair of socks from the 3rd-5th century and are Romano-Egyptian toe-socks which were designed to be worn with sandals. Don’t they look amazing!?!
And that, my dear readers, is your too cool fact for the day!
I can't knit. I imagine if I put more energy into it I'd get there but if I was to start a pair of socks who knows what they would turn out to look like and how long it would take!
I think it's great that you can knit! Handmade gifts are so precious and treasured by those who receive them!
My MIL has knitted socks for my husband. MY SIL is also an awesome knitter. I have never tried it.