Slowly, but surely we increase in numbers! BLOGNTWEET is my savvy community for women and men like you. Don’t you think the colors look savvy?
If you haven’t joined yet, come on over! Even if you don’t blog or tweet, feel free to join because there is fun for all.
I like that blogntweet – I wish I had more time to devote to blogging and tweeting…
I enjoy your site.
Love to you.
Hey Gal! I still can't get used to watching how many characters I type.LOL! Anyway, I don't remember if you belong to SITS or not, but their challenge this week is to create a "Blog Tribe". Which is just getting a "core" of bloggers that I follow, comment to, encourage and help. Up until now I know that you've been doing all of the helping for me, so it's my turn. I really like your blogntweet, even though I'm still learning to cut down on my characters (not that you can tell it from this comment). I did however go over to Ann's blog (I can't remember her last name. (Blast this memory!) Anyway, I think it's cool how you can think up all of these different sites and keep up with them.
Love ya Bunches!