Oft times the propensity for a particular color car, style of clothing, or the things we eat and drink are influenced by our childhood. When I’m sick with a cold, the only thing I want to eat is hot chicken noodle soup. When I’m super depressed, I want ice cream and chocolate. On the flip side, when I am cold and snuggled down for the evening, I want a mug of hot chocolate.
I don’t know exactly why, but the steaming cup of sweet chocolate aroma makes the world feel “right” for just a little while. Alyssa and I have always loved sitting together in our pajamas, hot mugs of liquid chocolaty goodness between us, and either watching a good movie or talking about everything and anything.
I attribute our hot chocolate moments as life enhancing and bonding times. All worries stop and there was just Alyssa, me, memorable exchanges and steaming mugs of hot chocolate.
Although we make hot chocolate more in the winter, we also enjoy it during the hot months by simply turning the air condition down. Have I ever said how thankful I am for an air conditioner that works efficiently?
So as the winter is fast approaching and the hot chocolate is beginning to flow freely, I wanted to encourage everyone to stop frequently, let the day disappear and focus on the most important people in your life. Center your attention on the things they want do or talk about and step out of the “I have to worry about everything because I am your mother” or “I have laundry to do and need to iron your shirts because I am your wife” attitudes.
Enjoy the people in your life and share more hot chocolate moments.
before it has cooled off.
It takes you by surprise at first,
but keeps you warm for a long time.”

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Oh, yum! We should have a hot cocoa cook off! LOL – I think we'd just like to drink as much hot chocolate as possible. I'm having a tea party baby shower (everyone brings teacups for the baby and her sister) – I also serving hot cocoa – I know how to make children happy!
I think you need to read the book "When will the Snow Trees Grow" while you and your daughter are sipping that hot chocolate! My boys LOVE hot chocolate – ALL Of them! It is a miracle beverage!
I find chocolate very healing. 🙂
It's so true… Food becomes linked to our emotional memory. It's so good that you spend that time creating those memories with your daughter.
Thanks for reminding me to do the same. 🙂
I'm with Yaya on that one. Dropped in from SITS.
chocolate is the only thing I miss eating while breastfeeding (most of it is made with milk). I l-o-v-e chocolate!!!
I swear – I was drinking a cup of hot chocolate when I read this…
That's the recipe we always use. Hot chocolate soothes the soul! lol
Lisa @
All That and a Box of Rocks
Hot chocolate moments are the best!
Nice recipe, I hope you don't mind if I use it? Thanks.
I love hot chocolate!! (Well hot white chocolate since I'm allergic to the other stuff) and all the other drinks which come with this time of the year like egg nog and such.