Thank you for visiting and experiencing my blog “birth” giving birth to multiples! Yes! I am launching seven more sites! (No epidural or breathing exercises necessary!)
Whenever there is an opportunity to learn something new, I am like a sponge…bit of a nerdy geek that way, but that’s just me. Because of this desire to learn and because I love people, I have a very large blogroll.? As a matter of fact, it is so huge that I needed a very organized way of keeping track of everyone because I don’t want to miss the birth of a baby, an anniversary, a cool giveaway, an exciting announcement or just fantastic information concerning people who I find interesting or who care about me. When I had this information consolidated for just me, it wasn’t in such a fancy, organized form, but… I now have six blogroll websites which originate from The Redhead Riter! The web addresses all start out the same (rr for Redhead Riter – br for BlogRoll):
- The Contests & Giveaways Blogroll
- Food & Recipes Blogroll
- Personal Journal Blogroll
- Crafty Selling Blogroll
- Decorative Blogroll
- Other Stuff Blogroll
My blogroll sites will also benefit you. These sites can be yet another way to get your blog out there and in front of more people. It automatically updates each time you post and pulls you to the top of the list. It is like a one-stop shopping site with all your favorites! Take a glance to your right and see how quickly you can identify who just wrote the newest posting. It makes it really easy to stay on top of the “new stuff” and helps in not visiting sites that haven’t updated since your last visit. There is also that added benefit of making it really easy for me to identify new postings so that I can visit everyone and make comments! I know how you all like comments ?
There are openings for you to advertise your site’s daily snippet and posting picture or you can advertise with your site’s thumbnail image. Just send me an email to express your advertising interests and visit the PR & Advertising tab for more information.
I will also post helpful information applicable to the site such as:
- How to take better pictures
- Selling tips
- Identifying your customers
- Proofreading tips
- Hosting a contest
- How to make ? and ? plus more.
- Recipes
- Template hints and codes.
- Adjectives that demand attention.
- Nutrition information
- and much, much more
I will include interviews with you so that we can get to know you better and find out how we might be of service to you. I believe that helping one another makes us better people and I want my daughter to incorporate this type of belief in her life, so I try to “practice what I preach” and lead by example. If you are interested in volunteering to be spotlighted, just send me an email.
If your blog is on “the wrong” blogroll and you would like to be listed differently, please let me know and I will be happy to make the change. I had a difficult time with some blogs determining which list was better suited for your blog. If you are not listed, I apologize for inadvertently missing you during the transfer of all the web addresses to my newly “created” sites, so please send me an email with your web address and I will add you to the blogroll. For my own purposes, I didn’t have your blogs separated into categories like I do now…there wasn’t a need to separate them because I visited everyone anyway! If you happened upon my blog and would like me to add you or just to advertise, please send me a note. I consider this “our” blogroll, so I want to have your favorite blogs listed to make it easy for you to visit them as well. The more the merrier! I feel like this is as close as I will get to having you all together “for dinner” like a family. Let’s support one another, have fun, and learn all kinds of new stuff!
The Redhead Riter
Meet the Blogrolls…
The Contests & Giveaways Blogroll
I know the names are not fancy, but I wanted them to be really obvious and easy to remember. Albeit a bit nerdy, I think I accomplished my task. Each of the web addresses begin “rrbr” for “Redhead Riter Blog Roll.” Next is the specific one word descriptions of each site which are “journal, food, contest, decorate, crafty, and other.” These are then followed by “”
The Personal Journal Blogroll is the personal family websites which discuss your life successes, failures, joys, sorrows, hopes and dreams. They are more an online diary.

The Food & Recipes Blogroll is exactly what it sounds like…filled with food, nutrition and kitchen tips and recipes. Feel free to send me your favorite recipes and any story behind their conception and I will be happy to feature them with a link leading to you.

The Contests & Giveaways Blogroll should help everyone who is looking for a free giveaway. As each blog makes a new posting, it will be brought to the top of the list and you can very easily identify where you need to visit next to enter a contest. It is also great for those who are hosting a giveway because the contest will be very apparent to everyone. If you post a “reminder” each day of all your contests, they could all appear in the snippet.

The Decorative Interiors Blogroll is eye candy (not quite as good as George Clooney, but will have to satisfy for now.) This will be especially fun if you want to share your completed renovations or fancy interior decorations because I will post your pictures and feature you on the site. This blog will be filled with pictures, because that is what decorating is all about!

The Crafting & Selling Blogroll will be jammed pack with crafting tips, selling advice and motivations to help keep a positive attitude with your eyes looking forward to success for your business. As I peruse through the internet I find so many wonderful items for sale and I look forward to featuring your success stories.

The Other Stuff Blogroll is my nerdy site (I’m laughing at myself) because it is dedicated to the “How To” and “Where to find” sites that I have found to be highly interesting or helpful, but the site didn’t fit into any of my other main blogroll categories.

Ask Redhead…
Lastly, I have created a site that is not part of the Blogroll, but is very much entwined with them and The Redhead Riter. It is called:
When you ask me questions on my blog, there isn’t an easy way to answer them. If you ask me a question in an email, it is easy to answer, however, several people ask me the same questions. This new blog is dedicated to answering all your questions and it allows me to add pictures which is the best part of all! I am a visual person, so I become extremely frustrated when I can not fully answer a question because I can’t “show” you what I am talking about to better explain what I am trying to convey. This site ends all that frustration! So feel free to ask anything on The Redhead Riter, the blogrolls or on the Ask Redhead site itself. I will now be able to give you complete answers!

I hope that you will find something useful or enjoyable in all of them!
The Prizes/Giveaway…
There are many fabulous prizes being given to the winner of the contest
(See Thursday’s posting for the complete list and a comprehensive view of the prizes)…

Giveaway Entries
1. (1 entry) Put The Redhead Riter‘s button/badge on your blog and let me know where to find it when I stop by to say “Hi” (you can also find this button on the SPECIAL BLOGS tab)

<p styles=”text-align: center;”><ahref=””><img src=”” /></a></p>
2. (1 entry) Subscribe to The Redhead Riter‘s feed (located at the top of the right sidebar or below,) confirm your subscription in your email and leave a comment on this post

3. (1 entry) Publicly Follow The Redhead Riter (located in footer) and leave a comment on this post. If you already follow, just comment that you already follow. 4. (1 entry) Put the button/badge of the Blogroll blog on your blog (the one that you can find your blog listed), then leave me a comment on this post to let me know where to find it when I stop by to say “Hi” (example: If you are listed on the Personal Journal Blogroll, then grab that badge). All the badges for the Blogroll blogs are located in the respective footers, right side.
5. (1 entry) Subscribe to the Blogroll blog‘s feed (located in the respective footers, right side OR below) where your blog is located, confirm your subscription in your email and leave a comment on this post (example: If you are listed on the Personal Journal Blogroll, then subscribe to the Personal Journal Blogroll).

Subscribe in reader (Personal Journal)

Subscribe in the reader (Food & Recipes)

Subscribe in a reader (Crafting & Selling)

Subscribe in a reader (Contests& Giveaways

Subscribe in a reader (Decorative Interiors)

Subscribe in a reader (Other Stuff)

Subscribe in a reader (Ask Redhead)
6. (1 entry) Publicly Follow the Blogroll blog‘s feed (located in the respective footers, left side) where your blog is located and leave a comment on this post (example: If you are listed on the Personal Journal Blogroll, then publicly follow the Personal Journal Blogroll).
7. (1 entry for each comment on “Non-Giveaway” postings) Leave me a comment on a minimum of 10 separate “Non-Giveaway” posts (there are 280+ posts) on the blog The Redhead Riter (… Then come back to this post and tell me where the you left the 10 comments (Tell me the date or title of the post.) If you commented before today, it doesn’t count for this contest, but you can make another interesting comment on the same post. It has to be something substantial (quality) and more than “Hi again!” LOL Maybe you can share an applicable experience?
8. (1 entry per day)
Question What is my real name (No, it is not The Redhead Riter)? Here is the clincher…In order to win, you must guess my name correctly. If you want to guess a different name every day (one name per day), just re-comment with a different guess for my name. The more times you guess, the greater your chance of guessing my name. If no one guesses my name correctly by November 13th at 12:01 a.m., I will extend the contest until someone does guess it. If more than one person guesses my name correctly by the end of the contest, those people will be entered in a drawing for the prizes/giveaways.
1. (1 entry per Tweet) Follow @RedheadRiter on Twitter at and Tweet about this giveaway with a direct link back to the giveaway and include #giveaway in your tweet. Tweets can be done 5 times per day with at least 2 hours between each tweet. Please leave a link to your sweet tweets.
2. (2 entries) Fave me on Technorati
3. (5 entries) Blog about the The Redhead Riter and include information about the current giveaway with a link (when you come back to leave the link of the blog posting, be sure to enter the same message 5 times because this counts as 5 entries)
4. (2 entries) Digg me
5. (2 entries) Enter this giveaway into any Mr. Linky giveaway list on another blog that it hasn’t already been entered (please leave me the link)
6. (1 entry for each blog followed) Publicly Follow the Blogroll blog‘s feed where your blog is NOT located (example: your blog is on the Personal Journal Blogroll, but you also subscribe to the feed for the Food & Recipes Blogroll) and leave a comment (located in footer, left side)
7. (1 entry for each button/badge) Put the button/badge of the Blogroll blogs where you blog is NOT listed on your blog and let me know where to find it when I stop by to say “Hi” (example: your blog is on the Personal Journal Blogroll, but you also grab the button for the Food & Recipes Blogroll.)
8. (1 entry for each blog subscription) Subscribe to the Blogroll blog‘s feed where your blog is NOT located (example: your blog is on the Personal Journal Blogroll, but you also subscribe to the Food & Recipes Blogroll.), confirm your subscription and leave a comment (located in footer, right side)
Giveaways are open to U.S. Residents Only.
You are not eligible to win if you know me face-to-face, know my name through business transactions or personal relationships, are related to me, work with me or are my in-real-life-face-to-face friend. It wouldn’t be fair for this contest because you already know my name which is the “Question” that seals the deal for this contest. Sorry! I will have another contest when this one is over and everyone will be eligible to play and win.
I want to give you all plenty of time to figure out my name, so the contest will not end until November 13th at 12:01 a.m.
No. I am not giving you any clues. I will tell you that I have had a lot of nicknames over the years, but they all have to do with my hair color or klutzy nature, but that’s a story for another time.
I think that just about covers it. If you find a link that isn’t working, please jot me a line in a comment. All the links are starting to run together because I keep reading the same lines over and over!!! Good luck to everyone! I’m very grateful today for the extremely kind remarks you have made to me through emails and comments on my blog. I think you are all awesome women (and a few men) struggling through this existence one day at a time and brave enough to share your experiences and talents with others.
I am thankful.
Love the new sites, wonderful idea.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Stopping by from sits. Happy Saturday Sharefest! I look forward to reading your blog!
Wow is all I can say – what a fantastic and tremendous amount of work you have put into all of this development! I am wishing you all the success in the world with this. A REALLY BIG WELL DONE AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! 🙂
Good morning!
I'm over SITS.
Is there not a follower section so
I can follow you?
Pls check my blog.
Have a happy weekend.!
Hmmm? As organized as you are (applaud! applaud!) I'm surprised your not known as ROR Red Organized Riter or ORR Organized Red Riter. Very nicely done!
I put you in my left column!
I signed up for your feed and confirmed it.
I follow ya!
I put the Personal Journal badge in my left column!
I subscribed to the personal journal feed and confirmed
I follow the personal journal blog
My name guess for today is "Linda."
I really like this new idea, though I did leave a question. I am already following the "Redheaded Riter"!
I placed the RedHead Journal Blog on the right side under The Sisterhood.
I've been wondering what your blog giving birth to multiples could possibly mean and now I understand. What a great idea!
I'm in Australia so can't enter the giveaway but I will be following the personal journal blogroll. 🙂
Wow. Love the new sites. You have been a busy, little bee!
Of course I already had your button on my blog. It's in the scroll on the far right column.
I am a subscriber
I follow your blog publicly
My goodness I am impressed! Well done.
Wow, you've been busy!
Today's guess for your name is: Andrea
Comment #2 on Monday, April 27, 2009 post, "Audrey, Sister And Friend"
Comment #3 on Saturday, May 16, 2009
"All Dressed Up With Some Place To Go"
Comment #1 on Tuesday, June 9, 2009
"…And This Is What I've Become"
(I had put this in the wrong place before)
I placed the Personal Journal Blogroll button on my blog in the scroll on the far right column
I am following the Personal Journal Blogroll
I subscribed to the Personal Journal feed
Teresha@Marlie and Me said…
My first uneducated guess at your name: Alice
October 10, 2009 9:54:00 PM EDT
(moved this over from another post)
WOW This is the best blog I have ever seen. You have done a fantastic job. I would love love love to do this but I would not even know where to start. Thanks for sharing and having my blog listed.
Okay, I'm going for it because your picture at the top of the blog so reminds me of her, your name is "Reba".
Today's guess: Katherine
comment #4 on Monday, October 12, 2009 "Guess My Name"
comment #5 on Thursday, October 1, 2009 "A Contest, the Birth and My Life"
Wow, I'm impressed girl… that's a lot of blogging! 🙂
Damn girl!! Where did you get the time?
I'm guess Renee.
Left a comment on the following, date 10/12/09..Tale of a Clean House, My Famous Family, Fireworks, Making a difference, Cool, Hmm, Fun, Ick, ; Twitterpated Shoes; Flower Tail Pichen, Aure amazing, Back Fact and White Plus.
today's guess: Susan
Comment #6 on Monday, October 12, 2009 "Imagination Meets Necessity & Confusion"
Comment #7 on Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Belle's Beast and Fred Flintstone In A Relationship"
Comment #8 on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 "A Relationship Is Like A Rose"
I feel like the weaver-turned-queen in the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale. Madame your name is Sherry
I forgot to write in my last post that it replaces my other "guess" for Oct. 14
Comment #9 on Sunday, June 14, 2009
"Me or The Other Woman "
Comment #10 on Thursday, July 30, 2009 "What Do Women Really Want?"
extra entry: following the Contests and Giveaways Blogroll
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I love yours 🙂 Sorry for making you hungry after midnight with that post LOL
today's guess: Meredith.
today's guess: Tina. because you remind me of one of my favorite soap opera characters Tina Buchanan on One Life to Live. She is a spicy red-head, too!
today's guess: Deborah
So wait, what are we entering to win exactly?
today's guess: Brenda
today's guess: Carol
today's guess: Nancy
today's guess: Sarah
I thought maybe you were named after your aunt Barbara…
I've been slacking on my guesswork: Trudy