Hi! I’m The Redhead Riter and I can’t wait to help you!
My pen name is The Redhead Riter which is “Writer” purposely misspelled, but pronounced the same way.
As you know, in some eras redheads were worshiped (USA English spelling) while others thought us witches. Personally, I prefer to think redheads should be worshiped as they were during ancient times and every day is “Love a redhead day!” Don’t you agree? (wink)
Why Read The Redhead Riter?
The Redhead Riter is witty, intelligent and has something of interest for everyone. I am a very eclectic woman. I love to write, learn and teach which makes blogging the perfect place for me and you. Actually I’m hoping you will become addicted and return all the time! I will keep cooking and posting those photos to lure you here just to make sure you return.
A Few (36 actually) Facts About The Redhead Riter
- I have a 21 year old turtle named Turtle who lives in a 55 gallon tank. I’m really creative at naming things. Can you tell? Do you want me to name your child or pet?
- I love to write.
- I can knit, crochet, sew, needlepoint, quilt, embroider and do crafty things like this bookcase. I love feeling all that stuff in my hands. Yeah, I’m a “hands on” person. LOL
- I love cutting men’s hair and grooming dogs – not that the two are related. Well, sometimes they are related, but not always.
- I have always taken tons of photos.
- I prefer watching movies while reclining on the couch in my pajamas instead of at the theater. Why? Well, if I want to get a snack or say something, there is a great button called PAUSE. Yep, I love that button.
- I love to read and find the whole process of a bunch of letters put together to make words that explain concepts to be totally fascinating!
- Cooking makes me feel good and my tastebuds love me for it.
- I love to write. Did I say that already?
- I love to watch the sun rise and set. It is peaceful, calming and very romantic.
- I could listen to the snow fall for hours. This is how I make snowballs on Twitter.
- I named the little Twitter art person that I use all the time. He is named “Humphrey” and I have no idea why I chose that name. It just seems to fit him.
- I am a hopeless romantic.
- I made an A+ in Calculus and I enjoyed it which is something my mother simply cannot understand!
- Sometimes I have a rather weird sense of humor.
- Music is wonderful whether it is barely audible or shaking the glass in the windows.
- Gardening is relaxing, but I don’t like bugs.
- I really, really, really love to write.
- Creating Excel spreadsheets is thrilling. Yeah, I’m a bit of a nerd.
- Blue and white are my favorite colors.
- I love deeply.
- My broken heart heals slo-o-o-o-owly.
- I am terrible with directions.
- I love hugs, kisses and stuff. Yes, most redhead jokes are true. (Seriously laughing my head off)
- I don’t wear shoes in the house.
- There’s a good reason why I think hardwood floors are better than wall-to-wall carpets.
- I have a passion for writing.
- I think the moon is elegant.
- After trying to do that Beyonce booty shaking dance, my daughter said, “Never do that in public.” No, I can’t dance.
- I like my fingernails to be relatively short and all of them the same length which means when one breaks, they all have to be filed down. Uneven nails drive me crazy!
- Clumsy is my middle name.
- The sound of the ocean waves crashing on the beach is equally relaxing and sexy.
- I am sincere, compassionate and blunt.
- I like to be surrounded with peace, harmony and love. Yeah, that probably sounds like a hippie or a beauty pageant contestant, but it’s true!
- I sing like a dying cow – not joking! Even my mother and daughter prefer not to hear me sing. Isn’t that just pathetic?
- And finally, I love to write because the written word is really exciting!
If you want more information on The Redhead Riter just visit my blog often!
I also encourage you to stay in touch with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Yeah, I’m everywhere…like sunshine!
I know I didn’t just hear my daughter say, “like dust.” That’s okay. I’m going to ground her until she’s 45 years old.