Home Security Alarms.
Cell Phones.
Right off the top of my head, those are some of the inventions we enjoy daily because of the technological discovery and invention by inspired people. How often do we take it all for granted? I suspect it’s everyday.
We have grown accustomed to these modern conveniences which make our life not only more active, fulfilling, gratifying and exciting, but also happier.
You might be saying, “But Sherry, people were happy long before the invention of television and cell phones!”
Yes, they were happy, but I said “happier” and do you know why I said happier? Of course you don’t because you’re not a mind reader and you haven’t read this post yet! LOL
The Missing Ingredient
My niece, Brittany, came over to visit the other day. In my excitement of her being here, I left out one of the ingredients of my grain free chocolate chip cookie recipe. How I forgot it is ridiculous, but I did nonetheless.
The cookies were still okay and edible, but far less delightful than my REAL recipe. I’ve spent quite some time now working on this grain free recipe. I could find no cookie satisfaction until one day I finally tweaked my recipe enough to hit the jackpot. It’s marvelously delicious!
I dare say that if I didn’t tell you they were grain free that you would be able to tell they are made without flour that is processed from wheat. They are crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside. This recipe will definitely be in my cookbook because who can survive without chocolate chip cookies?!!!
Obviously, chocolate chip cookies are my dessert of choice.
Anyway, I wanted to share my success tonight because I made a batch that DID have all the ingredients and ARE absolutely divine. But how do I share my excitement when my immediate family doesn’t live with me?
My handy dandy cell phone with camera served the purpose.
How great is it that with just a few pushes of buttons, I was able to share the cookies tonight with the women I have spent most of my life with and love dearly? It’s fabulous. At times I miss us all living together especially Alyssa. I’m one of those people who could live with my whole family under the roof of the same house. I could cook and cook and cook for everyone just like I used to with great satisfaction.
However, that is not an option and I have to do the next best thing possible. So our cell phone visits looked something like this tonight as I texted all four of the lovely ladies back and forth.
My Sister, Audrey
My Niece, Brittany
My Mom, Mary
My Daughter, Alyssa
My Turtle, Turtle
Turtle kept me company the whole evening while swimming around and then stopping to just watch me. I speak turtle, so Turtle is great company. He is just the cutest little turtle I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
My Dog
It’s a good thing that Turtle kept me company because Bella was too busy dreaming and snoring. Really! Bella snores the cutest little snore.
I’m very grateful for modern technology that connects me across the miles with my beautiful family. I love them all very much!
I’m exceedingly grateful for modern technology because without it, not only would I not know & care for you, not only would I not be able to tell you now how glad I am to know you & how much I care for you, but I wouldn’t be able even to form these thoughts, let alone express this sign of gratitude & caring:
{{{huggssss}}} <3
Skip, I look at it like this…I’m first thankful to God for inspiring people to invent this great technology and secondly for bringing us together so that we could be friends. Then although you didn’t know it, at one point you helped to save my life and years later, I did the same for you in a different way. We will be friends forever and although you don’t believe in a Heaven afterlife, I do. So it is comforting to know that some day we will be able to sit and talk together in person for as long as we like and our friendship will truly last forever. I enjoyed talking to you this morning. Thank you for answering the phone even though you are feeling under the weather. I hope you will get well soon. Sending you love and {{{hugsss}}} across the miles, my sweet friend.
LMAO! Looks like a good time was had by one and all…. however… I do have to dispute one point. I’m not so sure TV has made us happier. Quite the opposite in my opinion as it brings so much more of whats bad in the world into our living rooms. It also makes us less productive, and therefore a little more more stressed as we rush to complete things we should have been doing when we watched 6 hrs of TV! *LOL* Yeah… I have 3 in my house… 😛 Thank you so much for sharing! <3
LOL I have one TV that I don’t watch all that much, so it doesn’t mess with my productivity. Sounds like some people 😛 need to practice some self-control. LOLOLOL