Does it feel like your path is always blocked by ONE MORE road block?
Do you feel like you will never get ahead?
Is your life filled with hard and painful experiences?
Have you come to realize that life IS NOT fair?
Is your heart broken?
Are you under paid or not paid at all because you lost your job?
Do you feel invisible?
Did you have to file bankruptcy?
Was your house foreclosed on and now you live in an apartment or rental?
Did your best friends turn their backs on you when you needed them most?
Were you lied to?
Were you cheated on?
Did the person you love with all your heart betray you?
Are you disrespected?
Did someone abuse you?
Are you taken for granted?
Did you lose someone you love?
Are you being used?
Do you think there is no way out from all the hardships and pain?
Are you plagued by addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography or any other thing that drags down the light in your soul?
Is your body riddled with disease?
Have you lost your youthful abilities?
Are you losing your memory?
Have you lost a limb?
Is it too much to ask for just a break?
Do you have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)?
Do you wonder why you should continue fighting to keep your head above water?
Day after day and night after night do you beg for the pain to end?
Is it really that hard to be loved, respected, appreciated and cherished?
What if you never reach your goal or attain your dream?
Do you want to end it all or runaway or at least hide under the covers?
Has your whole life been too hard?
Are you continually baffled at your bad luck?
Do you think it will ever work out, get better or be worth it?
It has taken many traumatic experiences, wonderful relationships, heartbreaking relationships, disappointments, successes, failures, happy experiences and 52 years of living to learn that life is a journey of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, failures and successes, regrets and heart wrenching agonies.
There’s no short cuts that are worth it.
There’s no way to turn back the hands of time or speed them up.
There’s no way to change a person unless that person is yourself.
The sun will always rise in the morning regardless of the pain in your soul.
There are very few people that will understand you and that’s okay.
Some of your dreams will never come true either because you messed up the opportunity or it was just impossible for you at the time.
Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you avoid great heartache and attain great happiness.
No one can ease the pain in your heart when it is broken.
Nothing causes you to feel more rejected than being lied to and betrayed.
There’s never a good time to die.
Children grow up too fast no matter how much time you spend with them or how much of an effort you make to cherish every moment of their life.
There’s never a perfect time to start anything.
You can’t recapture the past.
The only moment you can live and enjoy is right now.
Worrying incessantly about the future is a waste of your life.
Hoping to always die is being ungrateful.
Everyone has worth.
Freedom is not free and the cost is high.
Memories are priceless, so make as many good ones as possible to help carry you through the sad parts of life.
People are selfish mostly because they are ignorant, but sometimes they are selfish because they don’t love you as much as they say they do.
You can’t love someone too much, but you can love yourself not enough.
Love and unselfishness can make the impossible possible.
Change will happen continually. What matters the most is how you cope with the change.
Love is the most important emotion and lesson in life.
People who don’t understand the importance of love miss out on the best part of life.
Last, but definitely not least…
Life is short.
Not only is life short, life is very, very short.
One day you are born, the next day you wake up to find you’ve been alive 50, 60, 70 or 80 years.
Where did it all go?
Life was happening when you were mowing the lawn, giving the children a bath, watching a movie, skiing, reading a book, taking out the trash, having lunch with a friend, enjoying a birthday party, going to the doctor for the cold that won’t go away, getting your hair cut, writing a post for your blog, taking vacation, or watching the clock on Friday and counting the minutes until you can go home.
Life is now.
Now is fast.
Now is now.
Are you here?
Are you listening?
Are you missing out in your life?
Life is short.
Grab hold of now with all you have inside of you and LIVE.
Live a life of passion, respect, happiness, joy, fulfillment, accomplishment, success, perseverance, determination, unselfishness, commitment, honesty and love.
Now and how you react in the now is all you can control. Make the right choices.
Live now like there is no tomorrow because there might not be a tomorrow for you.
So live.
It’s all worth the effort you put into trying to ensure you have a happy life.
I will leave you with a final thought in a quote by a Scottish philosopher, satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher…
“The tragedy of life is not so much what men suffer, but rather what they miss. ~ Thomas Carlyle ~
I enjoy your posts SO very much. You are an inspiration!
Thank you so much Joy. {{{hugssss}}}
Wow! There are so many profound truths in what you wrote.
Please, may I use your picture of “My Path versus Reality” in a presentation I’m doing at the South African Orthotics and Prosthetics Conference? I am happy to supply all the details to you on an email. Thanks