After scrolling through the pictures of The Shire Of Montana which is a real hobbit house located in Montana, I found myself smiling for no reason.
“This unique Guest Resort features spectacular views of Cougar Peak and Whitepine Alpaca Ranch. Stay in an authentic but luxurious dwelling which lies in the colorful forested foothills of the Cabinet Mountains up in the Shire of Whitepine Valley.”
Have you ever been to Montana? The state has some really beautiful, seemingly untouched places in nature. To capture the beauty while staying in a whimsical little house is just flat out fun.
Like the Low Impact Woodland Home, The Shire Of Montana is partially buried underground.
The Shire Of Montana is shaped “kind of like a cave shaped egg. The company who supplied the actual blueprints and design for the cement home said that you could actually drive a caterpillar tractor over the dome and it would hold up using the egg shape for strength and durability. It is surprisingly light and airy and maintains a constant 55 – 60 degrees.”
That’s the beauty of an underground or partially underground home…the temperature! The earth is a natural insulator, so the temperature not only is cooler, but remains a more constant cool.
The first thing you should know about The Shire Of Montana is that it is an adult only house. Yes, it is whimsical and cute, but it is a whimsical and cute house for adults.
“The building of the Shire with all of its intricate details was designed with the adult in mind. We spared no expense in bringing out the true nature of what J.R.R. Tolkien had in mind in helping to bring out the ‘Inner Child’ in all who visit. Our most common comment is how soothing, quiet and enchanting the Hobbit house is with everyone stating that we left no detail out in the building of our little Shire. Therefore, this was not intended to be a children’s playground but a playground for adults to let their imagination run free.”
I remember when there used to be adult only apartment complexes too and they were REALLY nice in comparison to the family apartments. So this little getaway is perfect for adults who want to enjoy a peaceful, romantic and whimsical escape from reality.
The owners included little things like the special lampshade in the decor to add to the whimsy of The Shire Of Montana.
With the ceiling so high, the space doesn’t feel small and it isn’t a boring high ceiling either.
The lighting, artwork and wood structures add decorative appeal to what would otherwise just be a tall ceiling.
I love all the wood which brings out the feel of nature and warmth.
The Shire Of Montana may be located deep in the heart of nature, but the kitchen is updated. You won’t have to cook in a big black pot over a fire in the back.
Even small details like natural rock cabinet door and drawer handles were not forgotten.
Don’t you just love the pointed hat left in the bedroom? Cute!
The Shire has one bedroom. The whole structure is a 1000 sq. ft. dome home which means there will be no escape from your snoring partner unless you wear earplugs.
I love the dresser drawers. The wood is just so beautiful!
“Our ranch is the home of many alpaca’s who treat coyotes/dogs as a dangerous threat and may attack one if approached. We also have been visited by cougars & bears so this could be a dangerous area for your pet if it should wander off. We also have had guests with allergies to pet hair and want our Hobbit House to be available for everyone. Plus the Hobbits don’t like strange creatures roaming around their Shire.”
Although there are no pets allowed, there are enough other small structures around the premises to house the dwarfs, trolls and magical fairies.
This stump house is really interesting…
“While we were completing the Hobbit house itself, we found this 700 year old cedar stump with a roof and door up in Kalispell and decided to make it our Troll House.”
Wow! A 700 year old cedar stump!
I should have built one of these little villages for my daughter when she was little!
From a short distance, The Shire Of Montana looks like it really IS A HOBBIT’S HOUSE!
In many ways, all the little doors remind me of the story of “Alice In Wonderland”.
“There were doors all round the hall, but they were all locked; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying every door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again.”
The Rings of Power in J.R.R. Tolkien’s book “The Lord of The Rings” were filled with magical powers. The One Ring played a central part to the story because it held so much dark power. Well, you will find the One Ring at The Shire Of Montana. It will be tough, but try not to take it with you. Just enjoy the power while you’re having a peaceful vacation.
I can see why so many find this lovely troll, dwarf and fairy filled house hobbit forming especially when it is covered in snow. Ahhh, yes, The Shire Of Montana covered in snow.
“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
Oh yes!
I LOVE it! I have seen many of those houses, but usually I don’t care for the inside. This one is exceptional. Is this your next home?
No, not my next home, but I think it is just as cute as can be!
I would lay awake at night thinking of all the worms , Beatles, bugs, and animals on my roof. I would have the my hair standing up from fear all the time. lol
Ha! That is so silly Mom!!!!