Thursday, January 17, 1963, was the absolute beginning.
Well, it was the beginning for me because that is the day I was born. A few days after my birth, my parents took me home and that’s when the picture was taken…
There’s tiny Sherry with her young parents in front of my grandmother’s home.
I was loved back then and I’m still loved now.
How do I know I was loved back then and still loved now?
My life is focused on love. I have tried and will continue to try to operate on the premise of love for my fellowman. I believe love should be at the beginning. How fitting! When I was born, it was because two people loved each other. Love was the beginning of Sherry.
Love is…
What is love as it pertains to me?
- Love is two young people who want to be married and share their lives with each other, so they did it in a cute white church that stands in the middle of town.
- Love is a father who walked holes in his socks while his wife was giving birth to their child.
- Love is a young mother and father who spent numberless hours holding and staring at their orange haired daughter in awe at what they created and scared to death that they were going to hurt her.
- Love is a mother who washed her daughter’s clothes on a scrub board and kept her clean all the time.
- Love is a mother who spent hours starching her daughter’s dresses with an iron that predated electrical irons.
- Love is young, tired parents who held and rocked their colicky baby for hours.
- Love is parents who let their redheaded daughter sleep in their bed for years.
Okay, I know. Those examples were very specific things that show I was loved, but it is my birthday!
What is love?
Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.
– Oliver Wendell Holmes
- Love is what builds a happy family.
- Love is the past, the present and the future.
- Love is waving goodbye at the window as the school bus rolls down the street.
- Love is caring for each other a little more today than you did yesterday.
- Love is happiness just being together.
- Love is patient.
- Love is pushing the swing.
- Love is being rocked in a rocking chair.
- Love sees inside your heart.
- Love is understanding.
- Love is tolerance.
- Love is being kind.
- Love is swinging on the front porch swing together.
- Love is forgiving.
- Love is helpful.
- Love is giving.
- Love is holding hands.
- Love is that soft place to fall.
- Love is dedication.
- Love is being responsible.
- Love is humble.
- Love is a gentle kiss goodnight.
- Love is knowing eyes.
- Love is healing hugs.
- Love is dreams come true together.
- Love is a happy day spent doing nothing.
- Love is one more sibling.
- Love is motherhood and fatherhood.
- Love is unselfish.
- Love is knowing someone always has your back.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what IS love?
Love is the foundation of what is most important in life.
Without love, life is empty.
I have loved, been loved and have always had love, so I am a very blessed woman. My life has been full of giving and receiving love.
Love is what brought me into the world and love will be there when I leave this world.
I’m so thankful to have been loved for all 52 of my years on this planet. So thank you to everyone who loves me and has shown me love. Happy Birthday to me! Last year was a very tough year, but through it all, I have had the best gift of all…
I have been loved.
Enjoy a wonderful birthday, Sherry. Since you live in the East, I know you will have an unseasonably fair and warm day. Soak it up today. You are the Birthday Girl.
Thank you so much!!!! 😀
Thank you Sherry, you are so loved still, forever my little red. What I loved about your dad, I love him still.
🙂 That’s sweet. Thank you Mom!
Well, Sherry, you have said it all! What more can I add to all your definitions of what love is? And then my eyes wandered over to your sidebar and I saw that delicious dish of “Shrimp Tomato Pepper Spaghetti” just staring me in the face and I started to lust for it. And then I saw right below the shrimp tomato pepper spaghetti your “Shrimp Fajita Wrap Recipe – Light, Fresh and Healthy” and I started to lust for that too. And then I saw your “Sour Cream Dulce de Leche Iced Pound Cake and I was more than lusting for that – I wanted to dive into my monitor and gobble it all up (and I didn’t give a darn how many calories it was)! OMG, Sherry, in all your definitions of what love is you left off food. Food is love too! Happy Birthday to the greatest chef I know! 🙂
LOL Yes Joan! Food = Love!!!! 😉 Thank you! 😀
I had to stop by to tell my favorite redhead Happy Birthday!
Oh thank you so much Teresha!!! 🙂
I believe I mentioned it on Facebook, but in case you didn’t see: Happy birthday! (Belated now.) -Tim
Thank you Tim!!!!!! {{{{hugsssss}}}}
Love all of the inspiring words and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop! Party on……
Thank you Pam!!!!! 😀
somehow I failed to make it here to wish you a happy birthday, so let me do that now –
Happy Birthday, dear Sherry!!! *mwah* <3 {{{huggssss}}} <3
Thank you so much Skip! {{{{hugssss}}}}