There are many things that go great together like:
- Soap and water
- Football and Monday night
- Bees and honey
- Moon and the stars
- Mountains and snow
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Hugging and kissing
- Bat and ball
- Salt and pepper
- Grandma and Grandpa
- Needle and thread
- Nuts and bolts
- Cup and saucer
- Fork and knife
- Babies and cuddles
- Pen and paper
- Shoes and socks
- Leather and lace
- Cheese and pears
Yes, cheese and pears. To be specific, grilled cheese and pears in a sandwich. Of course, the bread is grain free because that’s the way my world turns. So today I want to invite you to make this sandwich with me and then we can eat it together while chatting. Are you game?
Great! Come on over for lunch!
Grain Free Grilled Cheese Pear Sandwich
Over three weeks ago I caught a cold that you gave me and here I am inviting you over for lunch to give me more germs. (wink) I have been unable to kick this germ which is still lingering as an aggravating cough.
I forgot to ask, are you comfy sitting there?
Okay, then let’s start lunch. The first thing we have to do is slice a ripe pear into four fat slices. I like to have them fat so that they will still be juicy after being grilled. Cut the top and bottom off and then cut the fat slices. Now we will lay them on a plate and you can grab the tongs because we have to go outside. Come on.
Let’s lay out slices on the grill. I already heated up the grill, so it shouldn’t take too long to warm up the pears with some grill lines.
I told you that Bella had to have surgery and I was on pins and needles the whole day until I was able to pick her back up. It has been a lot of work taking care of her because she’s been like a two year old human child. There are good reasons to have a dog spayed, so even though I didn’t want to take Bella to the veterinarian, I did it anyway.
I think it’s time to flip the pears.
Oh yes! See the grill lines?
Now we have to wait for the other side to get some yummy grill lines.
Like I was saying, taking care of Bella has been work. Not that I don’t enjoy being with her, but nonetheless it has been work and I have been tired. Actually I’ve been extra tired because I keep coughing. (rolling my eyes)
We can go back in now because the other side of the pears have grill marks too.
This is my favorite grain free bread so far. I haven’t shared the recipe because I’m putting it in my cookbook. It’s such a yummy bread. Actually it’s so yummy that I don’t even miss eating the ten grain bread I used to buy for sandwiches. This heart healthy bread has the texture of “real” bread and doesn’t use GMO grains. Here, feel it.
*GMO = “A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.” Don’t even get me started on how unhealthy greedy companies and our government agencies have made our food sources. Plus, big companies pay millions of dollars to help keep them from having to identify their products as GMO based. If they aren’t bad, why do they mind having it on the label! That’s right! GMO’s ARE bad!
Anyway, pass me a couple slices of cheese. What kind do you like to use on your sandwiches?
Today I’m using mozzarella and mild cheddar cheese. You can either butter the outer sides of the bread or you can put a little coconut oil or olive oil in the pan. The oil will help toast the bread.
Open the sandwich and put one cheese on one piece of bread and the other cheese on the other piece of bread.
Now we will put the grilled pears on the sandwich.
The grilled pear will get coated with melted cheese on both sides. Doesn’t it look yummy already? So just close the sandwich up so that the layers are bread, cheese, pear, cheese, bread!
The sandwich will toast while the cheese melts.
I can’t hardly wait until Bella gets her stitches removed on Friday because then I won’t have to worry about her ripping them out. I think her stitches are driving us both crazy.
The weather has been great here in Richmond, Virginia. Cool days, lots of sunshine, leaves of every color and cool nights. The weatherman is forecasting a cold front to move in on Friday. The high will only reach 45F and the low will be 23F. That’s cold!
Our Grain Free Grilled Cheese Pear Sandwich is smelling delicious, but I think it’s finished.
I’m going to drizzle just a tiny bit of honey on everything. Mmmmmmmm….
Let’s eat!
By the way, did you see the Delicious Salsa Ranchera recipe that I posted the other day? I still have a little bit left in the refrigerator if you want some today.
Have you noticed that I’ve been in somewhat of a funk lately? Do you think anyone has missed me? Maybe no one has noticed. It’s just that there are so many things on my mind. I actually went on an interview for a job, took a personality test and had another interview with the same company. I was pretty sure that I had the job, but after dragging out the whole interview process for a month, they came back and told me that I was over qualified. They thought I would be bored doing the job.
What a thing to tell me! The first time they read my resume they could easily see that I was over qualified. Why string me along for a month?
That depressed me. It’s like I’m being punished for being talented or good at what I do. If I was at the interview with full knowledge of what the job consisted of, shouldn’t I be the one who determines if I would be bored doing the job? I would rather be bored at a job than penniless. It seemed extremely unfair.
I used to have my entire life planned, but I stopped doing that kind of thing last year. After I got rid of the PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), it just made sense that planning that far ahead was futile. Life can’t be planned forty years in advance. Thinking about it now actually seems silly. Don’t you agree?
How’s the sandwich?
The tiny bit of honey really adds something nice to the flavor, doesn’t it?
I really have been trying to live one day at a time and not worrying what anyone else thinks about me. At this point of my life, I’m being all I can be and doing all I can do. If someone doesn’t like it, that’s their business, not mine.
People in general have one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for everyone else. Then there are yet other rules for select people in their life. Is that fair?
No waaaay.
It is especially unfair when you are one of the select few who have an impossible set of rules to follow. I just got fed up with the rules pushed on me by other people. I let everyone get mad and at this point, I just don’t care what they think. They aren’t here helping me or living my life, so they have no right to give me impossible rules to follow.
If I’m totally honest, I’m still angry that I lost my job. My boss spent MONTHS telling me every single day that they would transfer me to another job. She told me that even though I was being laid off, if I wanted a job, I had one. She also said it was a done deal and I had nothing to worry about because it was guaranteed. She kept stressing that I was guaranteed a job. Then the next thing I knew, I was laid off. That was just wrong no matter how you look at it.
I know that millions of other people are without a job, but it is extremely depressing to me that I haven’t yet become employed. I’ve worked since I was fourteen years old and being unemployed still feels very foreign to me. My whole life is topsy turvy. I just want to have normalcy again. Winning the lottery would be nice too.
Another thing that has been going on for way too many months is that my daughter has a leaky gut that won’t heal. It has made her allergic to everything. She is so skinny now that it is scary. Rashes are still plaguing Alyssa’s body and making her miserable. I feel so helpless! Surely you understand that feeling?
I told you the sandwich was yummy. Hard to believe that those flavors are so delicious together isn’t it? Plus, it is SO HEALTHY for you! Healthy CAN be delicious too! You don’t even feel deprived of the grain, do you?
A few months ago Alyssa was in an accident. If you saw the car, it would be apparent that she could have easily died in the wreck. While she is saving up money for another automobile, we have been sharing a car. That’s really not a big deal, but one of us is always without a car. While Bella has been recouperating from her surgery, I’ve been the one that is at home with her. Not only have I been home for almost two weeks, I’ve been without my car too! That’s another reason I’m looking forward to Bella’s stitches being removed on Friday…I will finally get out again!
Are you going to want another sandwich?
I know! Even though the sandwiches are small, they ARE very filling.
Well, it’s been nice having you here for lunch. I can tell that you enjoyed the sandwich. I hope I didn’t talk your ear off. It has been lonely lately since I’m stuck at home and still don’t have the human contact with people at a job. I seem to rattle around a bit lost sometimes in these four walls.
I have another recipe to show you, but we will save it for another day. I know you’ve got to run now.
Let me walk you to the door. Thank you so much for coming today and listening to my random thoughts. I hope you’ll come again soon.
Sorry the job didnt work out. Will keep you gals in my prayers! <3 Thank you for sharing! 😉 *hugs*
Thanks Ken! One day at a time! Eventually I will find a job!
I loved having lunch with you! yummmmmm!!!
pretty soon I’ll be ready to reciprocate by fixing a meal & inviting you over to share it… & no, no hints as to what it will be!!! 😛
You are welcome to dine with me anytime, Skip! 😉
😀 {{{huggssss}}}
😀 {{{{hugsssss}}}}