New beginnings can start at anytime.
When you graduate from school, fall in love, get married, get divorced, start a new job, buy a house, the start of another year, or a myriad of other reasons, life changes and in some way or another you have a new beginning. However, you don’t have to wait for a dramatic change to occur in order to start over or change the direction of your life.
A new beginning could start at a random time on an average day like Saturday, October 18, 2014, at 10:14 a.m. Actually, every minute of your life is not only a new beginning, but it is also THE most important moment of your life because it is the only minute you have any control of at all.
Right this minute you can decide to quit over eating, show more sincere affection, stop smoking, offer to give service to someone in need, give up drinking too much, be more caring to those you love, quit cursing, stop being lazy, work harder, learn something, quit gossiping, be more understanding, stop judging people, forgive others and yourself, and the possibilities are practically endless.
New beginnings feel fresh and full of hope.
New beginnings present you with a future that is different.
New beginnings all begin with your decision and an attitude that is willing to change.
Small Moments Make Life Fun
Last night my daughter, Alyssa, walked into the living room with her laptop and addressed me with a ton of complimentary adjectives something like, “My beautiful, smart, sweet mother who can fix any computer problem.” When I looked at her, she was smiling big and said, “Mom, will you get this virus off my computer. Every time I click any picture, this is what happens,” and she then clicked on a picture that was taken over by an aggravating virus.
In an equal dramatic answer, I started doing the one thing that Alyssa can’t stand. I whined. “Oh Alyssa. This is the fifth time you’ve had this same problem. It is such a nasty thing to clean off.” Then I fake cried a bit and continued, “It gets into so many places and will take me forever to clean.” More whining proceeded and by this point she was smiling huge.
I did clean the virus off her computer in about ten minutes which gave her time to download some pictures she took for me with her phone camera. Then when I handed her the laptop back, she was quite happy that the virus was gone. Once again, Alyssa has a fresh, clean computer and a new beginning of unfettered Internet surfing.
These ten minutes of my evening is what life is made of and when you put all those types of moments together, you will have an abundance of happy memories that strengthen your relationships.
Small Moments Make You Feel Needed
Yesterday afternoon, my step father, Tom, called and asked if I could drive Mom to the eye doctor because he had scheduled the car to have an oil change at the same time that Mom had scheduled her doctor appointment. For whatever reason, Mom wasn’t seeing clearly and wasn’t sure if something was wrong with her contacts or eyes. I gladly agreed to do this for the two of them.
When Mom got into the car, she was beautiful. Actually, she is always beautiful. Mom smells pretty, her makeup is applied well, her head is covered with a fluff of healthy and shiny hair, and she is so gracefully feminine.
It was just a very short distance to her ophthalmologist, but I kept thinking about how much we love each other. Our love goes way beyond words. The feelings we have for each other have taken a lifetime of experiences together to grow. Now we are both older women with a history of happiness and pain together and apart. We have a love that can be relied upon and no one else could ever do anything to change it.
Mom was in the eye doctor’s office for just a few minutes and then we were on our way back to her home again. Her vision was once again clear and Mom had a new beginning. After all the years of Mom doing things for me, I was able to give back to her in a small way. She needed me and I followed through happily.
Before she got out of the car, we were comparing the wrinkles on the back of our hands. That may seem silly to you, but all my life I remember holding my mother’s hand. For a long time, my hand was just a tiny hand compared to hers and now, Mom has the tiny hand and mine dwarfs her soft, wrinkled hand.
Nothing earth shattering happened during our short time together yesterday, but we added one more memory of being together. A small moment that is etched into our brains when I did something right and we enjoyed being together.
New Beginnings In Life Start Now
Don’t wait.
Don’t procrastinate that “thing” you keep wanting to accomplish.
Don’t put off a new beginning.
Right now you can start a new attitude and change your actions.
Right now you not only CAN have a new beginning, you WILL have a new beginning. Whether you do anything with this moment and new beginning is entirely up to you.
Choose to stop doing the things that drag your life down and start doing the things that make your life more fulfilling.
Work hard.
Love fully.
Dream big.
Persevere with undaunted determination.
This minute is your new beginning. Recognize how valuable and priceless this moment of your life really is and how fast it will pass. Stuff as much peace, happiness and love into it as humanly possible. Decide to be a better you regardless of all the Hell that may surround you.
A new beginning starts inside your head with your attitude. YOU CAN have a new beginning and a fresh start right now. Exert the energy and courage necessary to take one more step and before you know it, you will look back at this minute with gratitude.
Very good read, and it’s all very true! Loved the personal examples too. I need to share this one with a friend right now. Thank you for sharing Sherry! <3 🙂
Thanks! 😀
It’s true, every minute we are alive can be a new beginning. It all depends upon our attitude. New beginnings ALWAYS start with new attitudes! 🙂
Yep, yep, yep!