I’ve always known that life is about the little things. During my two weeks away from the computer world, I was able to relax, meditate, pray and focus my attention on each activity without the pull of all my social media responsibilities nagging me in the back of my head.
So I thought I would share with you some little things in life that you should recognize and appreciate whenever possible.
“You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” ~ Andy Warhol ~
29 Little Things In Life That Can Thrill You
- Reading a book from cover to cover.
- Falling asleep for an unexpected nap and waking up naturally without having missed anything important to do.
- Singing loudly in the car or shower/tub without worrying if you sound good to anyone else.
- A massage that relaxes all your muscles.
- Eating delicious food.
- The sound of rain on a tin roof or window pane.
- A double rainbow.
- Sweet, juicy watermelon without seeds.
- Painted toenails.
- Shaving without any nicks.
- Money in the pocket of your winter coat.
- Enjoying beautiful paintings or other interesting works of art.
- Talking into a fan.
- Holding hands with someone you love just because you love them.
- The sound of crackling leaves.
- Clean sheets on the bed.
- Talking to a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.
- Nature.
- Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
- Sexy poetry.
- A banana without bruises.
- Clean windows.
- A pen that doesn’t splotch.
- Laughing.
- The full moon.
- Birds chirping.
- Fuzzy slippers.
- Spending time with children.
- The front parking space.
Appreciate that the small moments in life are really what make up life. If you don’t enjoy the little things, all that is left is the daily grind, disappointments and struggles. Take the time to recognize the moments of life that add happiness and warm your heart with gratitude.
No matter how many negative experiences threaten to destroy you, keep it all in perspective because eventually, “This too shall pass.” The little things will remind you to take one day at a time and that life is worth living.
A lovely reminder to look at the everyday things anew.
😀 Thank you!
Aren’t 21 & 23 merely urban legends? 🙂 The little things are the important things… took me nearly half a decade to figure that out. 🙂 Thank you for sharing! ?
LOLOLOLOL I actually had a bruise free banana TODAY! Try getting organic bananas. Not only are they sweeter and have a richer flavor, they are usually less bruised. 😀
every day is filled with little things that make us smile. It is so important that we take time to recognize them. Thank you for a lovely post xo
You’re welcome and thank you for your comment! 🙂
Today I am enjoying the little things in life and I couldn’t be happier! Of course, I enjoy the big things in life and they make me happy too! Little or big what does it matter as long as you are enjoying your life! 🙂
I’m glad you are enjoying life, Joan, and thanks for the private message telling me about the word I left off in my blog post. I fixed it! 🙂 {{{{hugssss}}}}
today the activity therapist came by my hospital room & asked if I’d like a visit from the therapy dog… of course, an enthusiastic YES!!!
she’s a middle-aged mixed breed (probably springer spaniel & border collie), & very sweet!
so let me add #30 to your list: the unexpected delight of a visit by a therapy dog 🙂
of course, it was only after hitting ‘submit’ that I remembered the word I was searching for instead of ‘unexpected delight’: serendipity! 😛
That’s so wonderful! I think they should leave the dog in the room with you! LOL
that would be delightful!!! 😀