My cell phone can do so many things, but all I use it for is to talk to people, text and take cell phone pictures. Of course, my cell phone doesn’t take super wonderful pictures, but sometimes it is the only camera within reach when I don’t want to lose a great shot with Bella.
Everywhere I go, Bella follows and usually plops down and naps.
She will scrunch down beside me and get comfortable in the smallest of spaces. As long as we are together, Bella is happy.
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ~ Josh Billings ~
“The average dog is a nicer person” than the average person.” ~ Andy Rooney ~
A movie came on television while I was writing tonight, so I stopped typing and started watching the show. Bella was already laying in my lap, but she stood up and then plopped against my chest to sleep. At first I could hear her softly breathing, but eventually tiny snoring sounds started.
As I enjoyed the movie, Bella slept, and we were keeping each other company in what would have been an otherwise lonely night. Having a dog that is peaceful and relaxed really is quite a blessing especially during those times that I feel unhappy, scared or depressed. Who would have ever believed that eight and a half pounds of a red furry dog could bring about so much happiness?
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” ~ Will Rogers ~
You asked, “Who would have ever believed that eight and a half pounds of a red furry dog could bring about so much happiness?” I would. Bella is soooo cute! Isn’t that so, Bella Boo?
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
“Are you trying to tell me something, Bella?”
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
Sherry, I do believe Bella is trying to communicate with me.
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
“What is it, Bella, what are you trying to say?”
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
Awww, Sherry, guess what Bella just said? She said, “Granny is the cutest thing I have ever seen!”
Sherry, it has always seemed strange to me to hear you refer to yourself as Granny when talking to Bella. I know she’s Alyssa’s dog, but you’re really more her mother. You’re the one who takes care of her, feeds her and is always with her.
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
No? That isn’t what you said, Bella? You didn’t say Granny is the cutest thing you have ever seen?
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
Sherry, I can’t understand a thing your granddaughter is trying to tell me.
“Bark bark bark!”
Ohhh, now I understand! Sherry, Bella is wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!”
“But Bella, Mother’s Day is not until tomorrow.”
“Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark. Bark bark bark bark bark? Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark!”
OMG, Sherry, you won’t believe what Bella just told me. She said, “I know Mother’s Day is not until tomorrow. Do you think I’m stupid? I just needed you to get the words out for me!” 🙂
Oh my goodness! You are so silly!!!!
Yes, I DO refer to myself as Granny because Bella started out as Alyssa’s dog so we always called her Mother! I can’t just take over the name even though I have taken over the dog! LOL Anyway, I love the name Granny and if Alyssa ever has children, that is what I will have them call me if I am alive. 😀 As it stands now, I have one redhead head grandchild named Bella who just happens to be a dog. LOL 😛
By the way, Bella doesn’t bark, she yaps or screeches! LOLOLOL
OMG, Sherry, it was taking me so long to write that comment that I thought by the time I was finished writing it that it would be Mother’s Day. As it turned out I got the comment in just a few minutes before it turned Mother’s Day Eastern Standard Time. But Sherry, in the future if this should ever happen again, please tell Bella to bark faster. I was a nervous wreck trying to translate what she was saying and getting the comment in on time! 🙂
You baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarely made your comment before midnight! LOL Happy Mother’s Day Joan! 😀