Whether it is the first day of a new year or the beginning of a new day, you have responsibilities that you must fulfill. Along with the “have to do” things are the “want to do” list which is often filled with really good intentions.
The saying is, “The road to Hell is lined with good intentions,” but I think a more accurate statement would be, “The road to nowhere is lined with good intentions.”
I used to tell my employees, “No matter what your job title and duties entail, be the best one you can possibly be.” The housekeepers would usually look at me like I had lost my mind and I understood their thinking. Day in and day out they cleaned hotel rooms where the word “dirty” took on a whole new meaning.
Even though most jobs are far from glamorous, I still believe that doing your very best at all times is mandatory. Nothing boosts your self-esteem as quickly as when you finish a day that was spent doing your best.
Being Mediocre
In my opinion, one of the worst things to be in your actions is mediocre.
mediocre (adjective)
1. of only moderate quality; not very good.
synonyms: ordinary, common, average, middling, middle-of-the-road, uninspired, undistinguished, indifferent, unexceptional, unexciting, unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, pedestrian, prosaic, lackluster, forgettable, amateur, amateurish
Whether I am loving, working, cooking, crocheting, sewing, writing or hundreds of other things, I want to not only do my best, but I want my best to be extraordinary.
Years ago I heard Tim McGraw sing, “Please Remember Me” and part of the lyrics are:
Remember me when you’re out walkin’
When the snow falls high outside your door
Late at night when you’re not sleepin’
And moonlight falls across your floor
Not being remembered causes people to have their feelings hurt everyday. Think about all the emphasis put on an anniversary or birthday. In general, people want to be remembered on those days because they want to feel special, like they matter or in other words, that they are extraordinary to at least one other person.
Whether you are doing your best or worst, someone somewhere at sometime is going to remember what you did and how you did it. Making mistakes is just human and can be expected from time to time, but is your best only mediocre?
The Tim McGraw song isn’t just about being remembered in general, it refers to being remembered by someone that you love, but it is a person who will not be with anymore.
You’ll find better love, strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs, warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
When you die, move on to a new relationship, go to a new job, or buy a house in a different neighborhood, you want to know that the people you care for and love will remember the good things about you and that you added something positive in their life.
Good Intentions
Most people have good intentions as seen from their point of view. There are reasons to back up the actions we take, but if our good intentions are not followed up with effort then they will simply lead nowhere.
You can tout that you are the best parent, child, sibling, employee, friend, partner, companion, spouse or neighbor, but the truth can be seen in all your actions. If the things you do are the opposite of what you state or are just mediocre, that is how you will be remembered. All the promises you make and the good intentions you have will be meaningless.
Doing your best requires effort and is often hard. It is easy to be mediocre, selfish and forgettable. It is easy to make promises, but it takes effort to keep them. I know a couple who have been married for almost sixty years and they did not make it that long together by being mediocre and selfish. Their good intentions are followed up with committed actions. They are NOT forgettable as individuals or a couple.
The Road To Nowhere
When the morning comes, the sun will rise.
The next morning, the sun will rise again.
Everything that you choose between one sunrise to the next is entirely YOUR CHOICE.
The new day will offer new opportunities to follow up all your good intentions with actions that can fill your life with wonderful experiences.
New day. New opportunities. Good intentions with actions. Wonderful experiences.
The only way to make that happen is to be sure that your good intentions translate into actions.
The road to forgettable nowhere lined only with good intentions or a life of actions and happiness?
The choice is up to you.
Good intention with actions that lead seemingly nowhere… I seem to keep heading down the wrong road without a place to turn off. I enjoyed your blog.
Thank you Jerel. I often seem to be on the road to nowhere even though my actions match my intention.
I have never been on the road to nowhere and I have no intention of driving there. 🙂
Lucky you!