Did you sleep well last night?
Do you know what you can do to feel better and more rested ALL THE TIME?
Take a nap every single day!
Studies have shown that a 20-90 minute nap before 4:00 p.m. is totally worth the effort!
Are you skeptical? Let me tell you some of the ways that a nap will improve your day and improve your life.
Napping Will Immediately Make You Feel Better
That drowsy, can’t keep your eyes open another second feeling will go away if you give in and take a nap. Upon waking, you will feel better because your brain will have experienced more serotonin which is the mood hormone. Just the fact that you won’t have to fight staying awake is a total plus.
Napping Takes You Away
Face it…life gets intense. People are demanding and situations are often dramatic. A nap will take you away briefly so that you can relax and regroup your emotions and thoughts. Think of yourself as a computer. Everyday it is advisable to turn off the computer and reboot, then to completely turn it off at night. Well, napping is the rebooting of the computer and night time sleeping is the time you completely shut it off for awhile. Makes sense when you think of it that way!
Napping Reduces Chances Of Gaining Weight
The chemicals that say, “I’m hungry!” are shifted and your metabolism is also altered when you take a nap everyday. So you won’t have that nagging starving to death feeling which causes you to eat too much. Napping also changes the way you metabolize food especially carbohydrates, so not only will napping reduce weight gain, it will also help you reduce the risk of diabetes.
Napping Boosts Memory
The older we get, the easier it is to forget. Napping helps you to remember long-term information easier.
Napping Increases Creativity
Taking a nap relaxes the mind which allows an increase in creativity. Whether you are about to paint or come up with an idea for a money saving opportunity, take a nap first so your mind will be more open to new ideas that are outside the box.
Napping Is A Stress Reducer
Whether you actually fall asleep or not, the physical act of laying down with the intention of taking a nap will provide you with some of the same benefits. Napping is very relaxing and will help you to feel rejuvenated instead of feeding that overwhelmed feeling that is exacerbated by being tired. Destructive chemicals produced by stress are blocked by hormones that are released while you are sleeping. This makes napping a great stress reducer.
Napping Reduces Your Need For Caffeine
Ever reach for a chocolate bar, energy drink or cup of coffee in order to stay awake in the afternoon? If you take a nap each day, you won’t need those caffeinated food items to stay awake because you will feel refreshed after sleeping.
Napping Increase Productivity
Because you won’t be tired, but instead will feel rejuvenated and more creative, your productivity will dramatically increase. Sounds like the United States should join the other countries that believe in afternoon siestas!
Napping Improves Mood
When you are tired and sleepy, you feel more agitated, cranky, aggravated, irritated and grouchy. Napping will boost your mood toward the happy end of the scale in the same way that it does a whining toddler.
Napping Helps You To Focus
Napping even for a short time helps you to be more alert and better able to focus on your tasks and thoughts. Your mind is better able to sort and compare the information you are concentrating on and then it can be logically analyzed.
Napping Improves Accuracy
A rested, alert mind that can focus easier also can perform tasks more accurately in almost everything you do. Accuracy has been known to double after napping.
Napping Improves Driving
Every year people fall asleep while driving. If you will start your trip with a nap or pull over in order to nap for twenty minutes, your driving will not only improve, but you won’t feel the overwhelming urge to close your eyes while driving.
Learn Something New
Whether it is because you can focus better on information or because you are less stressed or don’t become stressed as easily, napping will increase your ability to learn new things. Sleeping at night or napping during the day are key components to learning per research completed by Harvard.
Napping Regenerates Skin Cells
Do you want to look younger? One way to dramatically assist your body to retain a youthful glow is to take regular naps. Napping regenerates skin cells which in turn helps you to look younger.
Napping Speeds Up Motor Skills
Napping takes away the sluggish mind and body movements thus speeding up your ability to perform motor tasks such as keyboarding, mechanical operations, crafts (sewing, knitting, crocheting), sports, etc.
Napping Reduces Heart Disease
Worried about having a heart attack or stroke? Napping will help reduce your chances of both and other cardiovascular problems. According to a 2007 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, if you take a nap three times a week, non-working men are 37 percent less likely to die of heart disease. It looks even better for working men who have a 64 percent lower risk from a heart disease related death.
Napping Relieves Migraines
Being overly tired is one of the known triggers for migraines, so it makes sense that napping relieves migraines or can even lessen the occurrence of migraines.
Napping Is Normal For The Body
About twelve hours after your REM sleep, the body takes another dip into sleepiness. That’s why in the early afternoon whether you eat lunch or not, your body temperature drops slightly and you become drowsy. Napping before this happens will enable you to continue a high performance level throughout the day without feeling sluggish.
Napping Increases Sexual Appetite
When you have high blood pressure, a headache or are just plain tired and worn out, your sex drive suffers. All of these health conditions will be improved upon or eliminated if you take good naps each day which will naturally lead to an increase in your sexual desire. Plus, you’ll have more energy to satiate your sexual appetite.
Napping Improves Night Sleeping
Do you get tired of your brain talking to itself and keeping you awake? When you fall into bed are you overtired? If you nap, the brain won’t bother you all night with conversation. You will feel more relaxed and less hyper after having a nap, so night sleeping will be more peaceful. Plus, you won’t be too tired, so your chances of having insomnia are also reduced.
Napping Feels Awesome
Whether you want to publicly admit it or not, napping feels awesome. The feeling of slipping away into dreamland at that last second of being awake is one of the best moments of the day. So if you can experience that floating feeling two times, once during an afternoon nap and again at bedtime, why wouldn’t you want to take the opportunity? Plus, when you wake up from a nap, you feel like you can conquer the world again. Naps are just awesome.
I always feel guilty when I take a nap because I’m not accomplishing something or so I believed. After researching this post, I’ve discovered that during my nap I’m doing so much more than just sleeping. I’m actually improving my day, my night, my health and my longevity! Never again will I feel guilty about taking a nap and I’m actually going to start taking naps on purpose.
Do you already take naps? If not, are you going to start taking naps now that you know all the benefits of napping?
When I first started reading your post I thought napping during the day was not for me, because once I’m awake I can’t fall asleep again until I go to bed. However, when I read, “Whether you actually fall asleep or not, the physical act of laying down with the intention of taking a nap will provide you with some of the same benefits.” Okay, you convinced me. I’m on board! I’m looking forward to reaping some or all of the benefits that comes from napping. Of course, if I don’t comment in the future then you’ll know I’m napping! π
(rolling eyes)
You’re so funny.
I’m trying to nap but I can’t fall asleep. π
Still trying. π
You’re not trying hard enough. Close your eyes and hush.
Hey, I have an idea. If I turn on the television and listen to it for twenty minutes with my eyes closed, while resting on my recliner with my feet high in the air, does that count as napping or just vegging out? π
That’s just vegging out. Stop trying to cheat. LOL
Sherry, my phone is ringing and the talking-phone-voice is announcing it is you. Why are you calling me when you know I am trying to take a nap? π
Your phone is mistaken. She always says it is me because she likes me the best.
No, I’m not answering my phone. What could you possibly have to tell me that is so important that you are interrupting my nap? π
You’ll never know now because you didn’t answer you phone. π
Listen, Sherry, I think we should coordinate our nap times so that I will know when you’re napping and not disturb you and you will know when I’m napping and not disturb me. So, what time do you plan to take your nap each day? π
This nap thing is becoming a bigger ordeal than I thought it would be. The phone is ringing again. Well, it can just ring. SOME PEOPLE, (and I won’t mention any names, Sherry, but they know who they are), are just so disrespectful when they know I am trying to take a nap. How can I nap when the phone won’t stop ringing? π
OMG, Sherry, the plumber just called! My talking-phone-voice announced that it was him. You know how long I have been waiting for him to call. I had to interrupt my nap to answer his call. He’s coming over to fix my leak. Well, so much for napping. I have to take a shower, put on my makeup and I just bought this very sexy perfume! π
I hope he is cute! Take a picture with your cell phone so I can check him out too.
I’m going to have to get myself another plumber. Can you believe he didn’t even notice my perfume? π
Did you drown in the perfume or did you just let a dab do ya?
Okay, this has not been the best day for me. I was snubbed by the plumber. Humiliating. I just want to blot the whole world out. I’m going to take a nap now. Please don’t disturb me. π
Okay, Sherry, I couldn’t sleep. This question kept going through my mind. Maybe he didn’t like my perfume. Do you think it was my perfume that turned him off? π
Oh, who cares what turned him off. He’s not the only plumber in the pond! π
Sherry, I’m calling you and you’re not answering your phone. I’m having a meltdown. The plumber rejected me. Me, a famous unknown author. Well, he’ll be sorry he rejected me when I pick up my Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. He’ll tell his buddy, “Hey, I know that woman, I rejected her.”
And his buddy will say, “You rejected her. She doesn’t look that bad to me. I wouldn’t reject her.”
“Yeah, you would have rejected her too. Her perfume was too strong.”
Yep, you bathed in the perfume. Just use this as a learning experience.
So it is time to break something else so you can call a new plumber.
So, Sherry, why aren’t you answering me? Are you napping? π
Well Joan, that was a lovely story and quite funny. Sorry you didn’t get a nap, but as you know, tomorrow is a new day. π
I can testify to this for I always took a nap at lunch in my car for 42 years when I worked. I nap now and well, you know ,age makes you want nap around the clock. LOL
Maybe THAT is the secret to your lack of wrinkles and youthful appearance!!! π
I completely agree! I also swear my skin looks younger!
π That’s a lovely testimonial! Thanks for sharing! π
And Napping will make you look younger π
This is what my husband always tell me.
Maybe the fountain of youth is actually nap time! π
I have found over the years that napping was difficult for me…Until I put a lounge chair in the garage…The purpose was to relax and think thru a pending project…I don’t get as much done now, but I feel Better!
LOL I’m glad you found the secret to your napping! LOL