Sometimes words are not necessary especially when you combine snow with a beach.
I’m wordy.
I haven’t been as wordy over the past couple months, but the ocean really does often render me speechless.
The vast expanse of water with the sound of the crashing waves brings peace and happiness to my soul.
The ocean, beach and snow are all just so beautiful if experienced alone, but when combined they are way past awesome.
It has snowed two times thus far this year and the temps have been low enough to make our windchill MINUS SEVEN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. That’s crazy temperatures for Richmond, Virginia and for Virginia Beach too. We actually still have snow laying on the ground because it has been too cold to melt all week, but tomorrow we are expecting above freezing temperatures. I bet the car washes will be packed because we aren’t used to such dirty, salt covered cars!
Beautiful. The snowy beach is just totally beautiful.
We live 3 miles from Sullivan’s Island, SC and I love the beach in the winter. We’ve had snow several times over the years and it really is lovely on the beach. I hope and pray for snow every year and, since it’s been 4 years since our last one, I’m really hoping that this is our year! 🙂
Pam, I hope you get snow soon too!!! 😀
Confession time. Living in sunny California I have never seen snow of the beach. Those pictures sure are beautiful! 🙂
That is why we both need to finish our books this year so we can take a winter vacation together on a snowy beach!!! 😛