A fantastic way to relax is to clean your desk. This may seem like a totally crazy thing to suggest as a way to relax, but let me assure you, there is logic behind it.
The actual process of cleaning is not usually a fun activity for most people. I do know many people that just love cleaning. What I love about cleaning is not so much the actual act of cleaning, but the result of my efforts.
I sit in front of my computer A LOT. If it is piled up with papers and stuff, a tone of chaos abounds instead of peace and tranquility. I strive to have a peaceful atmosphere when I am writing because peace enhances creativity and focus. When there are a bunch of papers or things sitting all over the desk, they seem to draw your attention away from the task you are trying to accomplish. By keeping the desk clear, it frees up the mind to let thoughts flow freely and totally unencumbered by random thoughts associated with junk on the desk.
There’s also another reason that having a clean desk is a good idea.
Yep, you got it. Bella is a dog, but she must also be part cat because she loves to walk on the desk. She sniffs every nook and cranny for quite some time. Eventually she wants to hop off, but not until she has thoroughly investigated the entire desk.
Bella is so adorable AND my desk is so clean.
lol is that your desk? You are so cute and I just plain love you
Ha! Ha! Yes, that is my desk! 😛