When the hard times or “winters” of life are upon us, we have the power within us to survive and even thrive. It is during these times that the power of the soul is discovered. Some people take the easy way out. Some people deny their inner voice. Some people face the problems, learn and lead a better life after learning their true strength.
I don’t give up.
I may complain, cry, get angry, grieve and be filled with fear, but I don’t give up completely.
As I have been dissecting myself the past four years, it has been a very lonely journey. The road leading to the center of my soul is not a road I have remained on for long…until now.
Yesterday during one of the hardest therapy sessions I’ve ever experienced, the core issue to my struggle with relationships was unearthered. It was painful to see myself with such a terrible aching pain that has never been healed. A hurt that has caused me to make so many choices that held me back in life.
I didn’t sleep Monday night except for a few hours of almost awake tossing and turning. The moment my eyes opened in the morning, I felt the ache in my chest that I went to bed feeling. The pain has been so great that even crying doesn’t offer relief. But I know that no matter how awful the pain gets, I will not give up. Quitting does not even enter into my thoughts.
This deep rooted hurt will be healed because I’m not going to stop until I am new and whole. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) taught the following concept to me and I hold onto it tightly every time I start to fear my future…
“In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.” ~ Albert Camus ~
As I continue to travel through this “winter” in my life, I know that I can conquer this very old and primitive pain that has caused so much anguish and misery. No, I won’t stop until it has been healed properly and then my heart will be light and unburdened.
We all experience difficult periods in life. The difference between us is how we handle them.
The photos are beautiful. The sharing of your soul is amazing and, for me, very humbling. I am looking forward to seeing your summer come forth as well.
Thank you very much Jerel.
Spring always follows winter, always.
I finally learned that too. Thanks Philip.
It’s been too long old friend. You are making amazing progress toward become whole. Tilling the hard ground is hard, but the fruits of you labor will be rewarding
Thank you so much Teresha. {{{hugsss}}}
I so admire your strength and resilience. You are quite inspirational!
Thank you so much Pam {{{hugssss}}}
Sherry, an accomplished musician friend, Nina McIntire, wrote a piece called ‘Hungarian Heart’ that musically speaks to the spring times of the soul. One of her friends, Guiseppe Sarlo paired her music to a touching video. The YouTube link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BErY5yIjtzg I find great promise when I view and listen to the piece.
Thank you so much for sharing the video Robert!!! It is awesome!!!
This post really hit home with me. It was almost like you were in my. Heart, soul, and head. It is so comforting and also really sad to know that even one other person in this world may understand the constant raw painful emotion and the tiring battle to overcome them and find happiness.
Thank you for sharing, if you do not mind I may share part of your post
May you hopefully have a wonderful week.
Your friend, Debbie (SNAPPYSCRAPPER) 🙂
Debbie, you are not alone. As sad as that may be, I’m glad that we can share the pain.
Amen sister!!! Summer is inevitable, it will come for you…and for me. (HUGS)
😀 I can’t hardly wait! 😉