“Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain, but you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.” ~ Anonymous ~
I quickly pulled over and stopped in the parking lot to catch this beautiful, large, full double rainbow.
It was very fitting that this rainbow appeared today…especially today.
My life has not only had rain, but I’ve experienced torrential downpours during huge thunderstorms over the last several years.
Now, however, life has completely changed for me and I’m happy.
Truly happy.
I have peace.
Real peace.
I’ve found a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow.
After taking the photos of the double rainbow, I turned around to see what the sky looked like behind me.
Bright blue sky with big puffy white clouds and a gorgeous setting sun.
Just when I thought all was lost in my life, everything became bright.
I am filled with gratitude.
Sincere thankfulness.
I made it through the rain in more ways than one.
Now it is time to boldly step into my new life full of confidence, hope, happiness and a smile on my face.
Actually, it is a smile that will remain in my heart forever and ever.
No matter who you are, where you live or what your circumstances may be, I KNOW you can do whatever it takes to live a life full of happiness. The choice is entirely up to you. If you need proof that this kind of happiness is possible when life was once nothing but ashes…
Well, I’m your living proof.
“Rules for Happiness: something to do, someone to love, something to hope for.” ~ Immanuel Kant ~
You wrote, “Now, however, life has completely changed for me and I’m happy. ” I knew when I first started reading your blog three years ago that one day I was going to wake up and read that you were happy. My reading has finally paid off. Not only are you happy, but you have “found a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow.” Two pots of gold, no less! Now what are you going to do with all that gold? Knowing you, you will share it with your readers. 🙂
Since you’re so happy, this is a day of celebration and calls for multiple comments. Remember the days that I use to make multiple comments? 🙂
So what else is new? Oh, I forgot, “You’re happy.” 🙂
I’m happy too and I haven’t even found a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow. (Actually it hasn’t even rained here in Sunny California.) 🙂
So, aren’t you going to ask me why I’m happy? 🙂
Why are you so happy?
Thank you for asking why I’m happy, I thought you would never ask. Well, I’m not going to tease you like you teased your readers a couple of days ago when you wrote your post, “Self-Talk Soliloquy And My 2 Secrets” – and then never told us what your 2 secrets were. I’m going to tell you why I’m happy because it’s no secret. Actually, I have no secrets. I’m happy because…(okay, I decided to tease you. You’ll have to read my next comment to find out why I’m happy.) 🙂
Of course, if you don’t care to find out why I’m happy, don’t bother reading my next comment. 🙂
I’m happy because I just finished the first draft of another screenplay that I have written! 🙂
Of course, I’m not completely happy because now I have to go back and rewrite the screenplay for a second, third, forth, fifth, six, seventh, eighth, ninth or tenth time. So, no I’m not completely happy – yet. 🙂
However, I will be completely happy when both my screenplays are produced. Then I will say that “I’ve found a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow.” 🙂
Golly, I hope it rains. I need a sign that there is a pot of gold at both ends of the rainbow. 🙂
Now I know why I no longer make multiple comments – it takes too long. Got to get back to editing my screenplay. In the meanwhile, I’m praying for rain. 🙂
Rain, rain, oh please let it rain! Hey, I just looked outside and the sky is gray. Maybe my prayers will pay off – maybe it’s going to rain. 🙂
PS Your pictures of the double rainbow were absolutely beautiful. 🙂
Thanks Joan. I’ve never seen a rainbow more vibrant. It was as bright as lightning. I’ve also never seen a FULL double rainbow that large. It was a VERY fast rainbow that only lasted about 4 minutes. I’m so glad that I pulled over really fast, jumped out of the car and snapped all the pictures. Glad you liked them! 😀