What Is A Wall?
According to several dictionaries, a couple definitions of a wall are:
– a high thick structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense
– a structure that serves to hold back pressure
– something that acts as a barrier or defense
– a wall is solid and opaque
Reasons To Build Walls
Some of the common reasons to build a wall include the following:
- A wall is built for defensive purposes and sometimes protects an area.
- Walls block vision as well as passage.
- Walls can also become works of art both externally and internally.
- A wall can preserve history if decorated for such a purpose.
- Some walls are built to separate or divide an area.
- Walls can serve as a barrier.
Walls, Walls, Walls
Yes, there are walls all around us, but we often build walls around our heart. If we have “experience,” it usually means there has been some pain and it isn’t something we want to repeat. As a safety measure, we try to protect our emotions by controlling what and who we allow to get to know the real person deep inside our soul. That protection is usually a wall.
An impenetrable wall.
It takes a long time to build emotional walls. After awhile you realize that walls not only stop pain from coming in, but it also keeps pain trapped inside and makes it impossible to heal.
I have discovered that it works better if walls remain on the outside and are made with wood, bricks and concrete. Eliminating the invisible wall around the heart allows healing and love to flow in and out.
Is it easy to let my heart lay open and vulnerable?
Is it scary?
Of course it is scary!
Do I think it is worth it?
Actually, I think eliminating the walls around the heart is the only way to feel true happiness, love and peace.
I have learned how to build walls. I have found it makes you feel alone, but it is worse to set yourself up to be hurt. Most people you know think love is a noun, but it is a verb. Love without action is dead. Sad but true. Life is short and when you lose a day, it is gone forever. You can’t ever go back and undo the “nothing” that has come from absence. Absence is an abyss of loneliness. You can surround yourself with a hundred people who care about you, but it never fills the hole of those you love whose absence is a part of your life.
I’ve always said that it is much more sad and heartbreaking to live with someone who doesn’t love you than to just be alone. {{{hugsss}}}
How did I know when I saw the title of this post “Reasons To Build Walls” that it was going to end up being about the walls we build around our heart? I guess I’ve been reading your posts long enough to know that what something appears to be can end up being something very different. 🙂
Yep! 😀
Great post, Red! Sometimes lately my walls are too high and too hard. Thanks for making me think about it!
You’re welcome! {{{hugssss}}}
yes, being vulnerable ain’t easy… but being walled off is ultimately not protective, but destructive… I know… the big question is: big leaps, or little steps? …is it better to take the band-aid off bit by bit – or just pull it off??? …& is it better to creep into the water, toe by toe by ankle – or just to dive in???
you know best which works for you – what matters isn’t the route – it’s getting there!!!
Thanks Skip! {{{hugsss}}}