I cracked up with the boots—the obsessed—and true love. I needed it terribly, lol. This diet for hypoglycemia is killing me, If the sugar low does not do it the diet will. It is working thus far, some what. Every soul is different and we have to each find what works so wish your mother your blessings. I feel like an eating machine, I have an alarm set so I do not forget. I took my sugar just now and it was 121, wow not seen that in a lonnnnnnnnng time. The depression is 60 percent better, I am crocheting and wanting to sew, does that tell you anything? That is why I love the fabric cartoon.
lol – good ones! I especially like the one about too much storage space… ROFLOL!!!
I cracked up with the boots—the obsessed—and true love. I needed it terribly, lol. This diet for hypoglycemia is killing me, If the sugar low does not do it the diet will. It is working thus far, some what. Every soul is different and we have to each find what works so wish your mother your blessings. I feel like an eating machine, I have an alarm set so I do not forget. I took my sugar just now and it was 121, wow not seen that in a lonnnnnnnnng time. The depression is 60 percent better, I am crocheting and wanting to sew, does that tell you anything? That is why I love the fabric cartoon.
Sorry you are having it rough. Glad the post made you laugh. 😀
Haha, I really love Some Ecards! I think my favorites from these are the Facebook one and the Pluto/Twinkies one!
Also, Twinkies are coming back. Someone bought Hostees. :p Hopefully they’ll work on bringing back the other snacks that were so loved as well.
I’m glad you liked them! I didn’t know Twinkies were coming back!!!! Yay!!! 😀
Thank you for the morning chuckles! <3
My pleasure Kenny! 😀