At first glance I thought that the only reason I loved Freya Jobbins art was because I was a “girl,” but then I realized that she not only used doll pieces, but she also used army men. So although most of her work are with girl dolls, I still think men will find it rather cool.
Freya’s detailed sculptures uses the body pieces of dolls and toys as parts to create humanoid assemblages of faces, heads and larger busts. The plastic doll pieces are cut to different sizes and glued together in layers to create a 3D image which is totally fascinating!
Freya had this to say about her work:
“My work explores the relationship between consumerist fetishism and the emerging recycling culture within the visual arts. Due to our society’s over consumption of plastic children’s toys, the materials I need for my assemblages are all very accessible.”
Marcus Doll Parts Sculpture
Kerri Anne Doll Parts Sculpture
Frida Doll Parts Sculpture
6 Dollface Doll Parts Sculpture
Medusa Doll Parts Sculpture
Dear Old Darth Vadar Doll Parts Sculpture
Blond Yoko Doll Parts Sculpture
Arnie Doll Parts Sculpture
Selfie Of Freya Jobbins Doll Parts Sculpture
I think it is pretty cool that she created a selfie (sculpture of herself).
What do you think about Freya Jobbin’s work?
Fascinating and a little freaky at the same time.
😀 I looooooooooooooove them!!! LOL
those are delightful!!! I can see why you like them! 😉
years ago, we had a family friend, a sculptor, who did work on Madison Avenue designing & making award-winning props for TV & magazine ads… his finest were a series for Honeywell ads, animal sculptures made entirely of resistors, condensers, & other bits of electronic items – they were fantastic – & these remind me of them
Wow! Sounds really cool. 🙂
Mama does not like them. They are like a horror movie. I will probably have bad dreams.
LOLOLOLOL I love them!!!!!!!!
Like this thanks Sherry.
Glad you enjoyed it Philip!!!
Yeah. Way freaky. And kewl. Reminds me of that scene from Toy Story, the one in Sid’s bedroom with all the toys coming after Buzz. A bit creepy. 🙂
LOL It is a bit like Toy Story!!!
You have extremely good taste there Sherry. AND the necessary sense of humour, a guy from the US wrote about my work and love what he said:
“………….they have that same car crash rubberneck appeal: tough to look at but difficult to turn away.”
Thanks Sherry