I can’t concentrate on just one subject and so much has been changing in my life that I felt like I would share a little bit of nothing and everything.
1. Droid Wallpaper
Learning the features on my new phone hasn’t been easy, but with each week that passes I feel more comfortable with the Droid’s touchscreen. It takes really great pictures too, so I took one when I was driving through the country. I think it turned out great and it really looks nice as the wallpaper on my phone.
2. Avatars – Half Face Or Whole Face
Without going into a long explanation, let me just say that when I started blogging I hid most of my face in my avatar. I also didn’t post any photos of my face in the blog. That was over four years ago. When I changed my blog to WordPress and redesigned the whole thing, I also updated the header. My daughter and best friend, Joan, insisted that I put my face in the header. After much discussion, I finally acquiesced which is why you see my face all over the place now.
One of my friends on Twitter encouraged me to change my avatar to show my whole face too. To have a consistent branding image, I decided to listen to the advice. For the past couple weeks I have been replacing my old “looking down half face” avatar with the “looking up whole face” avatar on the gazillion social media sites. So what do you think – Was it a good change or do you like the old avatar better? Whatever your answer, why do you like one or the other better?
3. Desktop Wallpaper
I organized the millions of icons that were on my desktop and found a new wallpaper. I TOTALLY love it! It’s simple, clean and looks rather sexy.
4. Easter Baskets Gifts Are Different
I like to give gifts that are different. So I’m sure it came as no surprise to my mother that her Easter basket held a Spider Man plastic egg filled with candy and a pinwheel that lights up as it spins. Mom loves pinwheels and bubbles. It’s the little girl in her that will never outgrow the simple things. I love that about her.
5. The Doctor Who Diagnosed My Grain Allergy
It has been almost eight months since I was diagnosed with an allergy to grain, so I decided it was time to check back in with the doctor. She also thought it was a good idea. The doctor took some blood to make sure I wasn’t missing any important vitamins or minerals since I stopped eating all grain. As it turns out, I was low on folic acid, so I’ve started taking a supplement. The rest of my check up was perfect! I’m so happy with my skin, the way I feel and my energy level. It has been a win/win all the way around.
6. The Drive To Get My Hair Trimmed
You all know that I drive all the way to Williamsburg to get my hair trimmed/cut/styled by Thomas. It is usually a peaceful drive and I’m able to think about “stuff” while enjoying the scenery. Last time I went to get my hair cut, the drive up there was rainy and gray. I love how the raindrops scatter on the windshield.
On the way back home after getting my hair cut, the rain had completely stopped so I took the back way. The trees were a shockingly bright green and the sun was shining like crazy. This just reiterates to me that things can change quickly. We all need to learn how to adapt to change because it is the one thing that is here to stay.
7. My Sunglasses
My sunglasses are prescription bifocals that correct my vision. I’ve always loved them and as I recall, I got the thumbs up from Alyssa too. The other day someone I work with said that she didn’t like my sunglasses and basically I could tell she thought they were a hideously out-of-date style. Well, it really doesn’t matter to me if she likes them or not because I have to live with the sunglasses AND I know they are a current style, but do you think they are “old fashioned” and “out of date” like my co-worker thinks?
8. Spring Has Sprung
Everywhere I look flowers are blooming, birds are building nests and the temperatures are getting hotter and hotter. Spring has definitely sprung.
9. At The Beach
Today in Virginia Beach, Virginia, down on 1st street near the jetty, the ocean was crashing waves on the beach and the sky was solid gray. Even so, I still think the Atlantic Ocean, beach and waves are beautiful.
10. The Quest For Jeans Is Over
I finally found blue jeans that make me happy. It has been a long search while I tried on probably close to seventy five pairs of jeans, but I’ve finally found a brand/style that fits my bootie. Yes, Alyssa can cheer now because the butt fits snugly without bagging. It has been super difficult to figure out what size/brand/style fit me best and on top of that I’ve had a TERRIBLE time finding the “long” length. The Macy’s in Chesterfield Mall doesn’t even order long pants for their store to sell. What’s with that logic? Hello! I need an inseam of 35″/36″ because if I wear regular 32″ it looks like I’m waiting for a flood!
I ordered a couple pair while I was in the Dillards at Stony Point Mall. They will be delivered to my home without a delivery fee! How’s that for service?! Hopefully the jeans will arrive before Friday and I can wear them to work for casual Friday.
Well, if you are still awake and coherent, that was my bunch of nothing and everything. More? Yes, there’s always more, but you will have to wait until tomorrow. I have several revealing posts planned this week, so I’m sure you don’t want to miss them.
Anticipation. (wicked evil grin)
Ain’t it great?!
giggle. You make me smile. I think you are gorgeous so I have always appreciated seeing your sweet face. I have been contemplating updating my photo on everything ( the one I have is two years old) I love the glasses (so Hollywood) Okay I need those jeans…. smooches!
Thank you very much, Katherine! You’re so sweet! I got the jeans on sale too!! They were only $34 instead of $55!! Woohoo!
Wow, you are so good. Don’t you just love the back way from Thomas? You forgot to tell everyone that we drive 75 miles one way to get our hair done. Why? He is the best!
I do not like the new wallpaper, lol. It is you though like spreadsheets.
As for your sunglasses, who gives a hoot Nanny what she thinks. You are beautiful and I like them.
As for your half face. One is mysterious and keeps everyone guessing and the other is so pretty you. Of course, now everyone has seen you and the mystery is solved,lol.
The jeans, thank goodness!!!!! I am with Alyssa!! You should have asked me and I would have told you Levis. That is what you always wore in Texas. Those and Wranglers {George Straight} hubahuba. The Wranglers waist was always too big for you, but the length and booty was great. The Levis were always the best. I can hardly wait to see! It has been years since I have seen that booty in TIGHT jeans!! You always were so sexy in jeans. Miss those Texas stores, huh?
When I moved here, I took that back road just to remind me why I left Texas. I drove it every weekend when I first got here and I was alone in Virginia. It always made me happy. All those million dollar homes hidden up in those woods are something else too.lol
Wow! What a comment, Mom!
Yes, everyone knows it takes an hour and half to get to Williamsburg to have my hair cut. LOL
I didn’t think for one second that you would like my wallpaper. LOLOLOLOL
Yay! Another positive vote for the sunglasses!
Yeah, the mystery thing is definitely out the window. LOL
Thank you, Mom. I do love those “tight fittin’ jeans.”
I DO miss Texas stores!!! My goodness! The stores around here act like no one has long legs!
The back road is very beautiful. I love the relaxing peace coming back home that way.
LOL a Shakespearean moment eh? Much Ado About Nothing or my favourite quote…
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and is heard no more. This is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Yep, much ado about nothing which actually makes up a big ton of everything!
PS Prefer the old avatar. Green goes better with red
Really?! Good because I have already thought that the next time I change my avatar, I will still keep my face showing, but I want it to be green!
The sun glasses are great. Your co-worker knows nothing about fashion! LOL Alyssa’s “thumbs up” is all you need. The young-uns know about fashion. My daughter Jayme is my fashion guru and I get the most compliments when following her advice.
Your face is too pretty to hide. So I too, like the avi showing your whole face.
Thanks for swinging by the the beach and sharing that pic! Virginia Beach is the best beach in the world! But, then I’m a bit biased as I grew up there. Every time I go ( I won’t say “visit” because it feels like going home) I never want to leave.
And I did not realize you were so tall.
I’m glad you found you some good fit – feel good jeans.