I’ve always loved the zoo.
When Alyssa was a little girl, we had season passes to the zoo because we visited so much. It had been quite awhile, so we decided to go to the Metro Richmond Zoo. It is located at:
Moseley, Va 23120
(Chesterfield Co.)
(804) 739-5666
One of the things I love about the Metro Richmond Zoo is that it can be found nestled in the woods not far from other civilization.
Of course, the other thing that makes the Metro Richmond Zoo so great is the animals that call it home.
The Lovely Flamingo
Beautiful feathers with funny legs.
Such A Satisfied Little Animal
These little animals were just as cute as you can imagine.
Laughing Monkey
First we watched the monkey play with carrots and feed them to giant gold fish. Then we watched him roll over, play and laugh.
Toe Sucking Monkey
Sometimes the monkey that is behind glass can be seen sucking his toe.
Definitely Got Horns
Gorgeous, thick, loopy horns!
Alligators Ugh!
Yeah, no thank you. I don’t like alligators.
This Bird Could Say “Hello”
As soon as we walked up to the bird, he said, “Hello!”
Craziest Looking Bird
I have no idea what all that orange flesh served.
1 Hump Or 2?
We stayed far enough away from the camels to ensure if they started feeling mischievous, they wouldn’t be able to spit on us.
Doe A Deer, A Female Dear
Bambi!!! LOL
Can You Believe Alyssa Touched Animals?!
I know it is hard to believe, but Alyssa was touching as many animals as she could. I was thrilled!
Naaaaaa Says The Goat
Lemurs – Long Tail And Short Tail
Reach Out That Hand Monkey!
Don’t even tell me that the orangutan is red.
As the rhinoceros were eating, all I could think was that these animals looked so prehistoric!
Turtle! No, I mean tortoise! Huge shells! Oh my, these were such big animals!
Wild Boar
The wild boar were so ugly that they were beautiful.
Giraffe, Giraffe, Giraffe!
Ahhh, yes. The giraffe were HUGE and cute.
Yes, We Love The Zoo
Saaaaay Cheeeeese!
Yep! We had a wonderful time at the zoo. Do you like the zoo? Which zoos have you visited?
I love the zoo! I’ve been to lots of them… the Brookfield zoo in Chicago, when I was a wee tad; the Central Park zoo in NYC; the San Francisco zoo; the Franklin Park zoo in Boston; The Nairobi Snake Park (a full-featured reptile zoo) in Kenya; & the Little Rock zoo, among others…
I love the chubby, satisfied critter sitting on his backside! looks like a very fat prairie dog – or maybe a ground hog… I like the alligators, who look very satisfied also 😀
that crazy-looking bird is an African ground hornbill… I saw lots of them in Eritrea & Ethiopia, where they strut around prouder than a peacock… their Tigrinya name is Aba Gumbwah – a perfect name for such a bird! that red wattle has the same purpose as a turkey’s wattle… for attracting the fair sex! 😉
yup, the orang is a redhead!!! 😛 & yes, the rhino is a very prehistoric mammal – they’re relics from the giant mammals that took over after the demise of the dinosaurs… speaking of ancient, those tortoises fill that bill nicely! those look like Galapagos tortoises… mine is an African tortoise, which won’t get quite as big as those, but eventually will be big enough that a kid could ride him! 😀
those boars are incredible! I agree, they’re beautiful! …& so are you & Alyssa!
can you see how much I love the zoo, & especially your account of your visit to the zoo? 😉
😀 Yes, I can tell you like the zoo too.
I couldn’t remember all the names of the animals, but the moment you said that the bird with the funny orange neck was a Hornbill, I remembered it!
Thank you {{{hugsss}}}
Two beautiful Ladies..
Thank you so much Philip! {{{hugssss}}}
My teachers and all of the students at Midlothian High School are going to a field trip called,
Metro Richmond Zoo 8300 Beaver Bridge RD. Moseley, VA 23120. And we’re going tomorrow after the Sophmores awards in the morning.