Merve Kahraman desires “to include furniture and products as an integral part of her designs for spaces.
In her works she explores the relationship between her products and their users. Developing a personal bond either through the means of reoccurring cycles or lending the object as an extension to ones personality.”
The HYBRID collection includes two chairs that create a union with its owner which merges them into one. Even the details of the feet add to the air of authenticity.
Antler Chair by Artist Merve Kahraman
The first chair by Merve Kahraman is a more masculine chair – the antler chair.
Bunny Chair by Artist Merve Kahraman
The light color bunny chair is feminine and whimsical.
I looked at the antler chair with the antlers looking like they were protruding from one’s head as they sit in the chair and all I could think about was what your mother’s response was going to be. I can hardly wait to read her comment! I would imagine that she would not like the antler chair, to say the very least. since she has such elegant and exquisite taste. I imagine your mom will say something to the effect that she would never have a chair like that in her house. Well, Teresa, I’m looking forward to your reply. Now don’t prove me wrong! 🙂
The bunny chair was feminine and whimsical. I could definitely see your mother sitting in that chair. With her gorgeous silver hair your mother would be the perfect model for that chair! 🙂
So, Teresa, what do you think of the bunny chair? No, you wouldn’t want that chair in your house either? Gee, I think we’re batting zero with this artist. 🙂
OMG, why didn’t I think of this before I made my last comment about the bunny chair being perfect for your mother? Skip has silver hair and a long silver beard. He would be THE PERFECT MODEL for the bunny chair too. And whose to say the bunny chair has to be feminine? If Skip was sitting in the chair it would DEFINITELY be masculine. Skip would make such an adorable, cuddly looking bunny that all the girls would want to sit on his lap! 🙂
Of course, Skip would look great sitting in the antler chair too. Oh, let’s face it. Skip would look great sitting in any chair! 🙂
You’re so funny. 😀
I do not like these chairs!! If those Bunny ears makes you think about me Joan, you sure do not know me. lol. Sorry Sherry, you went from having the best blog post to worse blog post with this one. lol
I have to agree with Joan. I think the bunny ears chair looks like you. Maybe because it is white and shaped elegantly, but for whatever reason, I think it suits you. LOL LOL
High Five Joan! 😀
Tough luck Mom! LOL 😛
That’s ok, bunnies are so adorable and if you see me like that, I am blessed. When I am old, you can sit me in that instead of a wheel chair. Uh, did I say “when”?? lol
Mom, we all know you drink from the Fountain of Youth, so old is far, far away. 😛
a bunny??? moi??? LOL!!!
…but thanks for your enthusiastic suggestion that I’d look good in any chair! I guess I’m going to have to test your hypothesis – stay tuned 😀
I must add that I like both of these chairs – but there probably are more practical designs – LOL
…very enjoyable post!
Really? You can think of more practical designs? Say it ain’t so! LOL
Thanks, Skip!