My old English school book entitled, “The Dynamics of Language 2” made a very good point. The writer challenged the student to, “Try to stop using words when you think; try to stop thinking completely. You’ll find that both are impossible.”
First of all, the fact that I was eating chocolate at midnight and flipping through my old English school book is proof of my next point.
Words and thoughts constantly run through our minds and some people have multiple layers of thoughts simultaneously.
A few of the reasons that we use words is to:
- Give directions
- Share knowledge
- Convey feelings
- Make requests
- Advise
- Reprimand
- Teach
Regardless of the reason we use words, not speaking words can be a positive or a negative. For instance, if you are extremely angry, it is probably best if you resist the urge to spout off the ugliest insult you can dream up. Once the words are hanging in the air, you can’t take them back. So in this instance, it is best not to speak the angry words.
Over the past four years, I have written, read, spoke and thought thousands of words. There are times, however, that the only way to obtain peace is to be quiet. When I want to block out all the words that run around my mind all day and all night, I relax and imagine myself in a tranquil moment.
My safe and peaceful scene consists of a small boat in the middle of a lake that is surrounded by forests. Whenever I need to quiet my mind, I imagine myself in the boat, listening to the birds, watching the sun reflect on the water as I smell the crisp morning air. Peace does arrive. Rarely have I been unsuccessful while using this relaxation scene. I do, however, still have “some” words running through my head.
Life is short…really, really short. So if you have something to say, don’t hold back. Use your words to improve your life and to give back to those you love.
Since I’m very tired and somewhat short on words tonight, I am going to share with you some words that are running through my mind as I have been typing…
- I appreciate you all for reading my blog, writing me emails, sharing your thoughts and caring for me.
- I’m so glad I’m on the last leg of my PTSD.
- I have to go to the dentist today to have a filling replaced.
- I really don’t like going to the dentist.
- I’m so tired I may fall out of my chair.
- Friday is only a few more days away.
Oops! Sorry! My head hit the desk because I started to fall asleep.
To wrap this up…Say what you mean, mean what you say and don’t say anything mean.
Yeah, that’s it.
“Say what you mean, mean what you say and don’t say anything mean.”
– Sherry Riter, Born 1963, American writer and blogger
Great quote and definitely words to live by! 🙂
Those are your words, aren’t they? 🙂
Although I am not underestimating your brilliance, since I gave you credit for them I want to make sure they are your words! 🙂
They would look great printed on a T-shirt! 🙂
You’re right!!!!
I’m now taking orders for it! 🙂
WOW, you should see how much money I’m making selling those T-shirts! I always knew reading your blog would pay off and now I think I have hit pay dirt! 🙂
Wonderful post once again my friend 🙂
Thank you so much!!!
Sherry, I like your small boat image. Your red lined statements in your English textbook are thought provoking. I have never thought that I think in words. I think in images. As for stopping thinking completely, there was a time, when I had not yet begun taking medication for bipolar disorder, that my thoughts tumbled out so fast I couldn’t keep up with them. I used to have so many thoughts all the time that my brain hurt. Now that I am on the medication, I can “mute” my thoughts when I am walking in a long hallway in the condo building where my husband and I live and have the feeling that I am not thinking at all. But when I am thinking, it feels good.
I am so glad you are on the last leg of your PTSD.
Thank you. I’m so glad that you are in a better place now. I know how awful it can be to feel like you have no control of your own mind. {{{hugssss}}}}
Love the words. Nice one!
Thank you!!!
wonderful words… words are wonderful… sometimes I try to slip into the wordless minds of my critters, to free myself from wordy distraction & to understand their pure thought… but it’s very hard, & I know I’ll never really accomplish it – words are too powerful, too addicting… I’m sure that even though they don’t come wired for language, those smarter critters, like dogs, parrots, crows, & others that learn to understand some of our language, have words running through their minds…
but of course words not only carry meaning, they also carry confusion… “I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant…
all that being said, I like you love words & writing… & I especially love your words & writing!
My critters talk to me. They say stuff like, “I’m hungry. Fix my supper now.” LOL
Thank you so much Skip for reading my riting. LOL {{{huggssss}}}}
I also pictured the image you depicted. It is relaxing =) I’m recently subscribed to your blog, and I must say I am enjoying your posts!
Thank you so much Jocelyn!!! {{{hugsss}}}
“Use your words to improve your life and to give back to those you love.” Excellent advice! Thanks!
Thank you Hannah!!