This post is about PTSD. April Fools!
I must be getting better.
This post is really a bunch of funny quotes and pictures that will make you laugh like the other humorous post I wrote not too long ago.
So here it goes…
Excruciating Pain
Expectations Too High
Talking To Yourself
I love the last one for many reasons. LOL
Joan says
I would leave a comment, but I can’t think of a thing to say. APRIL FOOLS!
Sherry Riter says
Jen@Making Our Life Matter says
Thank you for the Monday morning giggles!! Have a terrific week, Red!
Sherry Riter says
You’re welcome!!!
Joan says
You’re laughing, but I’m serious! I can’t think of anything to say and I’m not the type of person who leaves comments unless I can think of something substantial to say. APRIL FOOLS!
Sherry Riter says
Yeah, THAT is definitely an April Fools!
Joan says
Of course, if I wasn’t afraid of making a fool of myself I would leave lots of comments. Substantial or not.
Joan says
But that’s the problem. I’m rather shy and deeply afraid of making a fool of myself, (especially on the Internet where whatever you say stays there forever, there is simply no way of taking it back), so I’m very prudent when it comes to making comment. I won’t leave a comment unless I have something really substantial to say! APRIL FOOLS!
Sherry Riter says
LOL You’re so silly!
Joan says
I hope you find my comments substantial enough to publish, especially since I made them with my glasses off so I had no idea what I was typing! APRIL FOOLS!
Sherry Riter says
Joan says
Happy Easter, I mean April Fools! I told you I was typing with my glasses off!
Joan says
Okay, enough April Fools for one day!
Joan says
And one last comment. It is not easy making unsubstantial comments. One right after the other and especially with my glasses off!
Joan says
I guess you’re wondering why I make so many unsubstantial comments, especially with my glasses off. It’s my way of waking myself up in the morning!
Sherry Riter says
Oh I see…because I have my glasses on! LOL
Joan says
And yes it is still morning here for me. Don’t forget I live on the West coast and we’re on Pacific Standard Time, although lately I have been thinking of moving to Richmond, Virginia. Now that really is an APRIL FOOLS! How could I ever leave Hollywood when Hollywood needs me so much? Everyone’s clamoring for my screenplays! APRIL FOOLS!
Sherry Riter says
Sue says
Ha! I liked them all. Have a great day today!
Sherry Riter says
I’m glad you enjoyed them! {{{hugsss}}}
Susie Clevenger (@wingsobutterfly) says
I love all of them, but that last one really cracked me up.
Sherry Riter says
I’m glad!!! I love laughing!
Skip_D says
wonderful funnies! I especially like the one about Autocorrect… well, not ‘like’ exactly… it made me wince more than laugh, it’s so true!!!
Sherry Riter says
So you have experienced that a time or two? LOL
Mary Hill says
Hi, tried the stupid joike on my blond step daughter. It went over her head. LOL. Anyway laughed with every joke. Thanks and happy April Fools. I am A to Zing it this month. So check out my blog.
Sherry Riter says
LOL Too funny! I’m glad you enjoyed them!!!
Young Werther says
Ha Ha… I talk to myself quite often too
Sherry Riter says
I heard it is a sign of intelligence!
Jocelyn says
Thanks for a good laugh!
Sherry Riter says
You’re welcome!!
Sherry Riter says
My pleasure!!!