Once upon a time, my Blackberry Curve cell phone was new and worked like a dream. Fortunately and unfortunately technology changes quickly. It didn’t take long before my Blackberry cell phone became antiquated, but since it worked well, owning an older model phone didn’t bother me. Alyssa, on the other hand, is really into phone technology and always has the latest greatest cell phone.
In all the years that I have owned a cell phone, I have never dropped it, but this week I dropped it on the pavement and put an inch long crack in the screen. I could live with that, but in the last 48 hours I dropped my phone three times – on the pavement, on the floor and in Bella’s dog food bowl. Needless to say, my Blackberry Curve started falling apart…literally.
I had to make a choice – not have a cell phone or buy a new cell phone.
Knowing that Alyssa has superior phone knowledge, I asked her to go to the Verizon phone store with me. After three hours of us both asking a million questions, we both agreed that the best phone for me was the Droid Razr M and that is what I purchased.
Now that I’m home with this new phone laying next to my useless old phone, it made me think about the old things in my life becoming new. It’s a resurrection of sorts.
The definition of resurrection is: The act of rising from the dead or returning to life or the act of bringing back to practice, notice, or use as in a revival.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and celebrate that event on Easter. The Bible reads as thus…
“36 And as they thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you.
37 But they were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.
38 And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and why do thoughts arise in your hearts?
39 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
46 And said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day.” (Luke 24:36–39, 45–46).
As you can see, Jesus died and was resurrected.
I’m not as great as Jesus Christ, but in many ways I have died and am being resurrected. Just like I have shed my dilapidated Blackberry Curve, I am also healing and letting go of my PTSD. While I’m trying to open my heart, mind and life to new experiences, renovate old experiences and cultivate hope in a peace-filled heart, I continue to feel better and happier.
Each day I want to revive my life. I want a resurrection. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t, but even on the days that I feel the world crashing down on me, I still have hope for a better future. I mean really think about it…I’ve been through the worst, so everything else is just going to lead to more happiness and joy.
It’s one more step towards my resurrection and I couldn’t be more thrilled about the opportunities that lie ahead of me.
Amen! We have to go through the valleys in order to enjoy those mountaintops. I can’t count how many times I have heard refrences to this and similar sayings in the last several months. In fact, I just heard that very thing before reading this post. The message was: God has a plan to conform us to be like Jesus through these times of suffering. Unfortunately, we often just want the blessings without the conforming part. Conforming is uncomfortable, it hurts, I want to wiggle out of it. Yuck! I’m tired of the yuck. But I know that if I can just keep holding on through it all, there will be good to come from it. Blessings to you and Alyssa. 🙂
You’re so right even though I wish you weren’t and I wish there was another way! LOL Thank you Kristi!
Hi Sherry!
Let me say first that I love how you constructed and developed your post! It was pretty cool to see how you moved from one topic and fluidly connected to your main point. Fantastic job!
Your post was also a reminder that everyday is a new day where we have the chance to become better versions of ourselves through the grace of God.
Thank you Jocelyn! Yes, everyday is a new start, THANK GOODNESS! LOL I hope you have a very happy day!
Resurrection seems too ‘grand’ for me…. I’d go for a clean slate, new beginnings…
I need the who shabang! LOL