Today is day 16.
No, it isn’t the date. Today is the 16th day I’ve been sick. I know! Can you believe it?!
First Alyssa and I came down with the horribly dreaded flu. Alyssa got well in three days and my flu morphed into bronchitis which added to my sickness depression. Now my bronchitis is teetering on pneumonia. Aren’t I such a lucky girl?
Well, I’m angry at this body of mine. It is time for it to get well!
Anyway, I just want to leave you with a thought to contemplate today.
Who are you going spend your time with today? Will the experience bring you happiness or is your time going to be spent trying to impress them?
Well, Bella loves me just the way I am…sickness and everything.
I hope you get to feel that kind of “Bella” happiness today and that it will fill your heart to overflowing.
Hey Sweetie! I’m so sorry you’re still sick! Have you been to the doctor or are you “self-medicating”? What you have scares me. My hubby’s nephew thought he just had the flu, so he tried to take care of himself for too long and ended up in the hospital having surgery done on his lungs because of pneumonia. They had to go in and scrape them.
Please don’t let it get that bad. I will definitely keep you in my prayers!
Love you!
I’ve been to the doctor 3 times. Yep, 3 times!
I am just around the corner ,love you
Thank you and thanks for the phone call this morning! ILY2
yikes!!! I can’t imagine what it must be like being so sick for so long! …even when I had just gotten out of the Army & came down with what had become something of an epidemic on our base (probably from the mess hall), the food-borne virus known as hepatitis A, while I spent a month in an isolation room at the base hospital, I was only “sick” for the first few days (& boy, was I sick!), after which I felt fine & was chomping on the bit to get released!!! I really hope you can shake this miserable crud soon!
It is so aggravating. LOL
I’m going to shake it, but it is just taking awhile for my lungs to step up to the plate. Thanks!
Oh baby, you been sick for too long. It’s stress, stress will keep you down. The good news is you’re writing still. Even just to stay connected. Stay strong! and NO COOKING 🙂
Thank you Brenda. Nope, I’m not cooking. I’m only moving my fingers and eyes. LOL
Ohhh Bella is such a furry ball of love! I am so happy she gives you so much happiness and unconditional love, but that’s the way dogs are. When you love them they love you back unconditionally and bring so much happiness into your life. I just love all the pictures you share of Bella on your blog. They always make me smile! 🙂
Now about you, Redhead Riter, I am not smiling. 🙁 You’ve been sick for 16 days and now your bronchitis is teetering on pneumonia. I don’t have to tell you how serious this is. Please take care of yourself and I am praying that you get well soon. (I wish I could send you some chicken soup through the mail.)
And just to let you know, I ONLY SPEND TIME with people who bring me happiness – that’s why I read your blog everyday! 🙂
Thank you Joan! I promise, I am taking care of myself! 😀
Hope you’re back to 100% very soon. It’s no fun being sick. Sending <<>>.
Thank you Lori!!! {{{hugsss}}}
Here’s virtual hugs, prayers going upward, virtual chicken soup, virtual humidifier for your lungs, virtual all the snacks you love, your favorite dolly, your favorite chocolate man, hot chocolate, real banana pudding, a snowball or two… to help you feel better. Hope you get well very, very, very soon!
LOL Thank you Bev especially for the chocolate man! LOL {{{hugsss}}}
Was in Chinatown yesterday, (it’s the Lunar New Year) watching the lion dance… surrounded by hands holding phones recording the event. Whatever happened to just enjoying the moment, instead of recording it for FB or Youtube bragging rights 🙂
LOL The new generation doesn’t know how to experience an event without recording it. LOL Ahhh the memories. LOL 😉
I got to your web site trying to answer a question about google sitemaps, anyhow, what this is about is that your friends at ‘webutation’! Even though you have a 90% rating from them they told me that I should not enter your site. Then I noticed the elicit content it was warning me about. Anyhow thought I would pass that along, you may want to curse them out. They seem to want to warn me about lots of sites.
We have a new Cochapoo named Maggie that we think is great, and your dog looks great as well!
Thanks! I’ve never heard of that site. Maybe they think my lingerie or kissing posts are “elicit content” LOL