“Throw me a life line,” the man yelled as he struggled to stay afloat in the violent storm a few miles from the safety of the coast.
That’s one kind of life line, but there are a couple more that you may find interesting or feel are applicable in your own experience.
Talk To The Hand
Let me give you a whole new perspective on the saying, “Talk to the hand, not to the face.” I thought this would be rather fun and it will help us answer the question, “How do you measure a happy life?” According to someone who reads palms (also known as palmists, palm readers, hand readers, hand analysts, or chirologists), my palm tells this about me:
- The Girdle of Venus (purple dotted line) indicates that I believe in open communication, working hard, am sensitive, intelligent and highly passionate. Not everyone has the Girdle of Venus and it is believed that those who do have this line tend to be writers, poets and artists.
- Since the Heart Line (pink dotted line) goes boldly all the way across the top of the hand, it means that I am very interested in the mental side of the relationship. Since the line is very straight and basically parallel to the Head Line, it shows that I have strong emotional control.
- The space between the Heart Line and Head Line (brown dotted line) is called the quadrangle. Since the quadrangle is wide, it means that I’m open-minded and since it gets wider as it goes across my palm, it means I’m becoming more open-minded as I continue to age.
- The straight, deep and long Head Line that stretches across the palm shows I am a practical and logical person who often tends to be over-analytical even in respect to love relationships. The line is very straight and that means I am a realistic thinker.
- Because the Head Line and Life Line (red dotted line) are joined, it indicates that I have a strong sense of mind which generally rules over my body.
- The Life Line is a representation of my vitality and the length of my life. Since the line swoops down to below the base of the palm, it shows a life expectancy of about 90 years. Because the Life Line is long and deep, I will not only have a long life, but one full of vitality and health.
- When there are lines that cross (bright blue solid line) through the Life Line, it is an indication there will be worries and/or danger. The star (dark blue circle) in the Life Line means that there will be some sort of crisis.
- Since the Health Line (pale green dotted line) is strong and undisturbed, it shows that I have a strong business sense and the strength to work hard to make money.
- The triangle formed by the Life, Head and Health Lines is known as The Lucky Triangle (orange arrow). The broader the area of The Lucky Triangle, the greater my luck. Many people do not have this triangle and in my case, the triangle is quite large meaning that I am lucky.
According to my hand, I am going to live a long, healthy and happy life even though it will be filled with worries, danger and at least one major crisis.
How To Measure A Happy Life
After someone throws a life line to the man who was struggling to stay afloat in the violent storm a few miles from the safety of the coast, I’m sure he felt a surge of happiness and relief. Experiences like that also tend to change a person’s perspective on life and the things that make life important. Often these people measure and reassess their old life only to find that it falls short of true happiness. Thus, they change how they live each day because of the new perspective gained through a near death experience.
If I was a believer in the spirituality of palmistry, I would have peace now that my palm reading indicates that I will be happy during a long life on this planet even though I would experience worry, danger and some crisis.
There are many ways to attain happiness. Our life is a very individual journey because we are very unique creatures, but one thing is true for everyone. Our own happiness is dependent upon our choices and attitude.
I know that some people are able to skirt through an easy life while others have daily struggles. It is enough to make one ponder the mysteries of the universe and curse Heaven if we happen to be in the group of strugglers.
I’m one of those strugglers. I guess I could say, “Why me?” but I really don’t do that anymore. Instead I have made a concerted effort to change the things that bring me unhappiness or don’t add value to my life. Because of these changes, I have found a semblance of peace in my chaotic mind. Even more importantly, I have hope that part of my struggles will eventually end.
So how do I measure happiness? It is really quite simple. I love and I am loved. I have experienced the pinnacle of all experiences – I gave birth to a human being that grew within my womb for nine months. On the flip side, I was once a small child that was loved and cared for by two doting parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Since I gave birth and in turn doted on my child, the love has gone full circle.
For me, love is happiness. The more love I experience, the happier my life. The more love I feel, the more fulfilled and accomplished I see myself. The more love I give, the more love I receive. Love is the life line that I have grasped onto and the one thing that has kept me alive.
Four letters, one word, but an emotion that is unsurpassed with it’s ability to bring happiness to life. May you all not only be loved, but feel love that warms your soul and brings you the greatest happiness, fulfillment and peace.
Love your website, forgive me if I steal a few ideas from it occasionally. I’ve already passed on some of your recipes. God bless
I’m glad you enjoy it! Thank you!
Such a wonderful perspective. I always enjoy reading your posts and I hope that you have already been through the worst of storms, as it would seem, and you are on the way to the happiest of times. xo
I hope the storms are gone too. Thank you Sue! {{{hugssss}}}
WELL, it seems my line of heart and line of head are one and the same – no divergence what so ever. I wonder what that means. That also means that I don’t have one of those triangles. But if I did, my ‘star’ would be right in the middle of it. Makes me wonder about that too. As far as my life line; it makes it almost to my wrist line. Long life? maybe. Hmmmmm Interesting
When the Heart Line and Head Line are fused together and it extends all the way across the hand from edge to edge it is called a “Simian Line” or “Simian Crease”. People with Simian Lines generally live their life more intensely with an undercurrent of uneasiness. π Is that you?
Not sure about the star, but all stars are crisis/misfortune.
The Life Line that goes all the way to the wrist means you are going to live a long, long, long life! Yay!
Na – not me. I’m pretty laid back. not a worrier and not intense. kinda stubborn though. hahaha
LOL You are stubborn? LOL
Oh my gosh, I have no heart line. I guess I have no heart. I have no health line either—wow–I know you are going to say, “Oh Mom, you do,” but I do not. My life line is short too.
Well, I stopped by Mom’s on the way home from work and this is what I discovered about her hand:
Mom has a heart line that is deep. She also has a long health line. Best of all, she has a REALLY long life line, so she is going to live to be 90 years old!
Mom doesn’t have a Girdle of Venus which aggravated her because she is very talented and wants the line. LOL Mom makes all kinds of things like this.
The funny part of it all is that Mom acted like she had no lines on her hand, but it was because she had the skin pulled as tight as it would pull across her palm. LOL π
Throw me a life line, Red! I could use about now! LOL Just checking your blog out today and see what you have been up to (Hi Joan! I know you read The Redhead Riter’s blog if you don’t go anywhere else.).
(tossing you a life line) Hi Katlupe!!!! Glad you stopped by today. π
You’re right, Katlupe! I do read The Redhead Riter’s blog, even if I don’t always comment. π
LOL I knew you would comment on her comment!
Okay, I have the Girdle of Venus line. I guess that really does confirm I am a writer! π
I also have The Lucky Triangle! Does that mean I am going to write a bestseller? π
With or without the triangle, you will write a bestseller!
By the way, the comment counter says that you have made 301 comments on my blog. Woohoo! Thank you Joan. Seriously.
Only 301 comments I’ve made on your blog? Really? Gosh, I thought it was more. Now I’m really going to have to hustle and make some more comments if I’m ever going to bypass you-know-who and be the #1 commenter on your blog. Not that I’m competitive! π
Ohhh, you do know who you-know-who is! I didn’t want to mention you-know-who’s name for fear of giving him or her a big head that they are your #1 commenter. However, I am giving you-know-who fair warning that I am going to catch up with him or her! π
What really drives me crazy is ALL THE PEOPLE who read your blog and never comment on it. Maybe there’s a winner for the most unheard from non-commenter who always reads your blog but never comments on it! π
That certainly won’t be me! LOL
Yeah, right! You’re not competitive a bit! (rolling eyes)
Hey, if my addition is correct I now have 305 comments! Am I getting closer to you-know-who? π
Or is it 306 comments? π
I don’t know how your comment counter can keep up with me when I cannot keep up with myself! π
So did you miss me while I was gone. . .
. . . or did you not even notice that I was gone?
How many comments do I have now?
Just asking. π
You have 320 comments!!!
A wonderful post! I had my palm read a long long time ago and you know, there was alot of insight & truth to it!
Cool! π
It seems like mine stop about half way or less across the hand. That or I’m blind. LOL! Hey Red! Hey Kat! Hey Joan! It’s good to see all of you. (or see your words anyway!) I’m one of those readers who don’t always comment, but I do love your blog, Red. As far as the storms go, I’m hoping that the worst is over for a while for you. You’re always in my prayers, but I think I’m gonna start my own little prayer vigil for you. It may sound silly to some, but when I think of you, I also think of Job, because he was a good, loving and faithful man, yet God allowed Satan to do his thing to him, knowing that he would handle it, even if he did start to get weak,he held on and praised God anyway. You, my dear to have gone through what you have and still come out of it with the love, compassion and wit, are my Job. Continue to have strength and know that God will always be there to get you through your storms. My love and prayers are with you always.
I don’t know what got into my heart and fingers above, but I felt the need to give you that message.
Love and Prayer as always,
That is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me. Thank you PJ. I don’t think I even compare to Job, but I appreciate your love, support and prayers. I will keep on trying and hopefully this year will be easier. {{{{{{BIG HUGSSSS}}}}}
Thank you that was very well explained. It seems my destiny and life line run on top of each other for 2cm? I think it is my destiny line ????
What are you calling your destiny line?
Hi! I am a 15 year old teenager. In around the centre of my lifeline, there is a lot of small lines that looks like a sort of star. they fork out in a downwards direction toward the bottom of my palm, some even sideways. I have this gut feeling that I will be in some sort of crisis when in am middle aged. I cant top thinking about this. Will it be a serious illness, or death?! After the star, my lifeline continues strongly untill the very bottom of my palm. does that mean i will conquer the crisis? I am really worried. It would be great if you can reply.
I really don’t know more about this than what I have posted, Nicole. I’m sorry.
Im am a teen and i think about death frequently(how it will happen, when it will happen) its the uncertaintly that really worries me. do you have any suggestions? do you ever think about it in this way? if so, how did you conquer it?
Nicole, live one day at a time. You only have this moment right now. The past is over and the future is not promised, so why worry about it? Just enjoy NOW. π
I have a triangle formed between head, heart and fate line in the plain. of mars, what does that indicate? How can I attach the pic?