A tough old cowboy from western South Dakota counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life, the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gun powder on his oatmeal every morning.
The grandson did this religiously to the age of 103 and then he died.
Upon his death, he left behind 14 children, 30 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren, 25 great-great-grandchildren and a 15-foot crater where the crematorium used to be.
That picture of that cowboy sure is fine!!!! Mom is old not dead yet, wow!!!
Funny, Mom. 😀
bwahahaha Love it! Thanks for the belly laugh.
You’re welcome!!! 😉
I worked in Scotland for a few months before I turned 19, after high school, in construction. My father was there on a large project and got me on over there, more for a chance to visit than work.
Anyways, here I show up from Texas, wearing my hat, boots, etc, around all these English, Scot and Irish fellers they employed. We were generally quite a bit taller than they were, not sure why. They were amazed at us from Texas, walking high steel often with cowboy boots on and not tied off, whooping, carrying on, acting like we didn’t give a damn if we lived or died. They spoke a lot faster than Americans, and would often complain to us that they’re standing there tapping their feet waiting for us to get out a word as we spoke, and the Texans of course were especially annoying regarding our phenomenal famous slow drawling speech pattern which has contributed to the fame of our land….
I got along best with the Irish at the local pub.
One of them related this joke about Texans one night:
A Texan, wearing his hat and boots, strolls up to an Irishman, sitting under a tree and eating a potato.
He exclaims (in the slow drawl, of course, similar to Sam Elliot’s), “Whhyyy by Got , son…in Texas we grow ‘taters three times that size!”
The Irishman peers up to the towering Texan, and replies: “Aye, but we grow them just big enough to fit in our wee mouths…”
That’s about the only clean cowboy joke I can think of I know. Rest of ’em are pretty raunchy so I generally stick to only Engineer jokes while among genteel and polite company 😉
LOL You’re funny!
Yes, I know ALL about the Texan drawl since I lived there for 23 years. I remember thinking that people talked so funny and sooooo slow! Eventually, I started understanding the accent and didn’t notice the speed of speech. I love Texas, big belt buckles, cowboy hats, boots and men in tight fittin’ jeans! LOL
Lord, I’m having a bad day! I saw this post in my email and thought “Yes! I need a joke. But I just couldn’t get it…it didn’t make any sense. Then suddenly, some functioning part of my brain sent me a visual of the crematorium blowing up! Thank you, I needed that laugh more than you can know.
LOL Thank YOU for giving me a chuckle! I’m glad you finally got it!!! 😀
I love, love, love this Chuckle of the Day!
That’s too too funny!!! 😀
Yeah, I love this one! I can just imagine someone doing this LOL Cracks me up every time.