Do you get tired of flipping through a paper calendar, computer calendar or cell phone calendar just to find out how many days are in a particular month? After reading this tip, you will be able to figure out the number of days in a month and you won’t ever have to flip through a calendar! This is a sure fire way of calculating the days of the month on the knuckles of your hands.
Counting Days In A Month On My Boney Knuckles
First, let tell you that even before I lost inches all over my body because of my new grain free lifestyle, I had boney knuckles. Yes, my knuckles have always been sharp and pointed. They are just one more thing to love about me. 😉 Also, don’t look at all the freckles on my hand. As a matter of fact, just totally ignore them!
So this is how you determine the number of days in a month. Clench your hand into a fist and hold it out in front of you. Starting from the pinkie finger and moving toward the index finger (pointer finger), you are going to use the index finger of the opposite hand to touch the knuckle and then the space between the knuckle to identify the months. The knuckle months have 31 days and the spaces between the knuckles have 30 days. It looks like this:
Pinkie knuckle = January = 31 days
Space between knuckles = February = This is the exception, 28 or 29 days
Ring finger knuckle = March = 31 days
Space between knuckles = April = 30 days
Middle finger knuckle = May = 31 days
Space between knuckles = June = 30 days
Index finger (pointer finger) = July = 31 days
When you get to the pointer finger and say July, tap the same knuckle again and say August = 31 days as you head back across the knuckles toward the pinkie. This time you will run out of months before you run out of knuckles like this:
Index finger (pointer finger) = August = 31 days
Space between knuckles = September = 30 days
Middle finger knuckle = October = 31 days
Space between knuckles = November = 30 days
Ring finger knuckle = December = 31 days
By the way, I caught you looking at my freckles and I felt it when you played connect the dots like Alyssa used to do all the time. While sitting in church, I used to lay my hand on her leg or lap and she would seize the moment to draw the solar constellations. One of them, of course, was the Big Dipper.
So you think that is funny? Yeah, I hear you!
Wait! Put that Sharpie down and don’t step any closer!
Oh my goodness! You can’t play connect the dots! Help!
(running for the door)
(calling over my shoulder) See you tomorrow after you put the Sharpie away!!
Until I read your post today, I always used the rhyme called “Thirty days hath September” to remember the days of the month.
“Thirty days hath September is a traditional English mnemonic rhyme, of which many variants are commonly used in English-speaking countries to remember the lengths of the months in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Here is one version of the rhyme, attributed to Mother Goose:[1]”
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone,
And that has twenty-eight days clear,
And twenty-nine in each leap year.
Other sources list the Mother Goose version as:[2]
Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November;
February has twenty-eight alone,
All the rest have thirty-one;
Excepting leap year, that’s the time,
When February’s days are twenty-nine.
However, no longer will I be using that old Mother Goose nursery rhyme. (I was always getting the rhyme messed up anyways and forgetting how it went.) From now on I’m going to be using my knuckles! Thanks for giving us a great way to remember the days of the month 😀
Hey, did you notice that I changed my smile from this 🙂 to this :D? I don’t know which I like better, the bigger or smaller smile. Which one do you like better?
This 🙂 . . .
. . . or this smile :D?
I kind of like the smaller smile better, but maybe that’s because I have been using it for so long as my signature smile. You know, sometimes it is hard to teach an old dog new tricks – but so far, Redhead Riter, you are doing a miraculous job! 🙂 Today you taught an old dog how to count with its knuckles! 😀
BTW (by the way), as far as the smile is concerned, there are times that I want to smile big 😀 and times that I just want to smile 🙂 or 😉 , so each has a time and place. I would much rather be smiling 😀 or 🙂 than 🙁 . Ya’ know what I mean?
I couldn’t EVER remember that little ditty which is why I NEEDED another way. I’ve been using this knuckle way for years and years. ;D
I have always used the knuckle way. I guess I’m just a knuckle-head!
LOL LOL LOL LOL That really made me laugh out loud.
One can never laugh enough. I wish you a great weekend Red!
So true!!!! Thank you, Stéfan! I hope you have FANTASTIC weekend! {{{hugsss}}}