Audrey and I were inseparable because I thought she was my baby from the moment Mom and Dad brought her home.
We always played together and the only time I got upset with her was when she became Miss Destructo. Yeah, Audrey destroyed everything she could touch. I remember having three Barbies. One day when I went to the toy box to play, I discovered that Audrey had given one of the Barbies a hair cut. She had cut all the hair off down to the scalp. I not only couldn’t believe that she did it, but I didn’t understand why Audrey would want to cut all the hair off MY Barbie. I had never felt like doing anything close to making my Barbies bald! Apparently, we were like night and day.
Anyway, we had a little red wagon and I pulled Audrey around in it all the time. She was such a chubby and cute little girl. I love looking at all the old pictures of my family. I hadn’t seen these in a very long time, so I noticed things like:
- My blue and white striped swing set
- The transformer that Mom was afraid would fall through the ground (rolling my eyes)
- The brick edging around a flower bed that I thought was big, but wasn’t big at all
- I still dress the same LOL
- Apparently I have been squinting in the sunshine forever
- Audrey was definitely a ham
- Audrey was wearing white Stride Rite shoes with bells on them
- Time goes by too quickly
April 3rd is Audrey’s birthday which is why I am being so reminiscent. Happy Birthday Audrey. May you enjoy many more and may your life always be filled with happiness.
Oh! One more thing! Actually two more things. Stand up and shake it like this…

because you are still one hot mama!
Thank you Sherry, I love you very much. Now I have a few observations as well. Like, where the Hell is the tall italian-style trees blocking the view to the HUGE creek that mom always told us we’d drown in if we climbed over the fence? And where’s the bumble bee tree (the wisteria)? And for your information, I happen to know for a fact that Barbie wanted to have her hair cut, she told me she needed a change. Hee hee. Where did time go? Where did your orange hair go? And why does Mom always pick home lots with transformer boxes in them?
Thanks again for this, you made my day.
P.S. I hope to God that Terry does indeed see me like the woman in the above video, lol.
You’re very welcome, Audrey. Thanks especially for having pics on FB so that I could steal them for my sidebar LOL
As far as your observations:
I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I’m SURE Terry thinks you are hotter than the woman in the video and his opinion is all that matters. 🙂
P.S. Did you notice how clean the soles of your shoes were? Yeah, Mom was OBSESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Happy Birthday, Audrey!
Such wonderful photos, & warm, happy memories!
…ohhh, & I love the elephant!!! 😀
Skip, I adore the elephant!! LOL
I cried and cried this morning, you were both so beautiful, thank you Sherry
My pleasure, Mom. We love you too.
Happy Birthday to Audrey ~ Wonderful post and awesome, precious photos ~ namaste, ^_^
Thanks Carol!!!