Is it real? Surely it must be, but upon closer inspection…
Guido Daniele is an accomplished artist who currently lives in Milan, Italy. He has been painting and participating in personal and group art exhibitions since 1968.
“In 1990 he added a new artistic experience to his previous ones: using the body painting technique he creates and paints models bodies for different situations such as advertising pictures and commercials, fashion events and exhibitions. His personal artistic research has recently led him to the combination of the two traditional portrait techniques, which are photography and oil painting, laid on photographic support.”
I’m thrilled to share with you 50 body painting photos of Guido Daniele’s art work that I’m sure you will find astonishing.

I actually think it would be fun to be painted like the arm in the photo below…
Amazing stuff. My jaw is still dropped. What a talent. I really liked the bald eagle hand painting and the gold fish too. I like how they put the hand opened next to the cat hand. Just to show us that it is truely a work of art. The body painting art is incredible stuff to. Thanks for sharing this on your blog. I am goin to post a couple of the pictures on FB. Thanks Redhead! :o)
That body art is AWESOME! I can't wait to show it to my hubby later when I wake up. As you can see, I'm still here, but I'm fixing to "hit the sack". Love ya! Thank you again for fixing my "prayer Line.
Incredible work! I love the creative imagination!
I must hand it to you, very impressive.
Amazing artwork by Guido Daniele! The work of all artists bring us so much joy, but many of us refuse to pay for it.
He’s a genius!!!
Yes he sure is, James! 🙂